Thursday, July 19, 2007

Remembering your newbie days

Try as hard as we can to forget them we all painfully remember our newbie days. You create a name and an avatar and away you go. All googly-eyed and ready experience this Second Life thing. It is confusing when you first start. Everybody looks the same you get pop up messages from linden telling you how to fly, change clothes, change your appearance and build.

Looking back to my days as a newbie I was like everyone else. I struggled with terms and actions (I mean who thought of teleporting?!). I found it very hard in the old days to look unique with freebie clothes. Freebie clothes that most other newbie’s had too (and I notice they still have!)

I like to help newbie’s as much as I can I remember some people helping me when I first started. I have noticed however a scary trend start to appear recently. A lot of Newbie’s seem to assume that older players will help them and give them money.

Really we all remember but I am afraid there are no quick get rich schemes out there. As embarrassing as it is we all did our fair share of camping in the old days. It’s boring, it doesn’t pay well but it gives you a start.

I thought it might be a good idea to give you an insight to newbie life. In this 2 part story I will give newbie’s some hints and tips and the second part is from a new sl player. We can read all about SL through the eyes of a newbie.


Yeah it’s boring and pays terrible, but really can anyone complain for sitting on your tush and earning money? If it was that simple in real life things would be a lot different! Use search and popular places to find camping spots. Rates vary a lot and some places require you to join groups etc. Camping can be a good way to meet some friends also; you will find as you build your friendships you will build your enjoyment in SL.

Money Tree

These are scattered all over the grid, basically members pay into the fund and newbie’s (up to 30 days old) can go and get a few lindens. Anything from 1-10 linden usually at a time. Again not much but it does appear money does grow on trees! We have our very own tree at sl-newspaper go there now.

Second Life Job

Really this is an extremely mixed bag and to be honest will take time and patience on your behalf. A lot of places want people to have some SL experience before you can, build, write, design, sell and stitch designs together to sell in SL.

Best luck to all newbie’s, it’s ok I assure you, you will come out the other side relatively unscathed!

Check back in a few days for the newbie point of view.

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