Monday, September 3, 2007

Who Needs Real Life?

Dear Bella,

I am getting stuck in a rut. It seems so easy to spend all day sitting in front of my computer, as my secondlife is so much beter than my first.

I hardly go out RL anymore and make excuses when I am invited out.

I would rather be in a club dancing with my friends in SL, than in a real club drinking and geting hung over.

Why spend hours getting ready to go out? When I can do the same in SL with just a few clicks. Is this normal? Do other people feel like this? Or is it a problem?


Dear Addicted,

My dear friend, you are not talking full advantage of Second Life at all! Just going out dancing! Is that all? When Second Life offers you the opportunity of being a sex slave, or a hooker or a riding a dragon?

A couple of clicks and you're dressed! Why there aren't enough hours in the day to design clothes and pick fabrics and choose colours! And that's not even talking about choosing (or making hair) and shoes. Don't you accessorize?

'Real' people are such a pain in the arseinine! They always want YOU to be the designated driver, so they can get a skinfull and it's always them who runs out of money first and puts the bite on you, and then it's always your best friend who runs off with your girlfriend (when you're busy trying to find the car).

Oh no my friend, stick with us! We are a much finer breed in here.

People give you things. Why, I'd only been here a day or so and I complimented somebody on their lovely outfit and they gave me fifty bucks. And I've had lots of men want to give me something similar - lol. No end of them in fact. So you're always popular here.

You're never lonely for a date. There is ALWAYS someone around to talk to. (I've seen plenty of girls standing on street corners, waiting for their 'date').

You can stay in your pyjamas all day long if you want to and if you open up a block of dark chocolate, you can eat it all yourself and not share with your friends!

No, it's a marvellous world in here. Shut the door. Turn the front light off and forget about those 'other' pesky friends - stay with us. And all those vampires you hear about in here, why they're as gentle as lambs. No need to worry about them at all ... oooooh, what's that dribbling down my neck?


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