Tuesday, March 27, 2007

17th March 2007 - SL 9 days - L$300

Newbie Blues

I am starting to wonder if I will ever make it through the Newbie phase and make it through the next few months without starving to death. I’ve been here over a week now and I still haven’t managed to scrape enough money together to rent a place let alone keep me in the style to which I have yet to become accustomed. Sometimes SL seems to be designed to highlight the grace of long termers and the gawkiness of those younger babes. Do all of the staircases here have to be so circular, with such sheer drops at the corners?
Would you click a person like this?

I seem to be far better at spending money than making it here and whilst perusing a book store which sells material on how to make just about everything, my paltry several hundred dollars seemed even more insignificant. Just a word here though, someone somewhere has some very strange priorities the book on how to make a house was L$200 but how to make hair was priced in excess of L$700; we need to think about this people – is flowing hair really that important? The answer is obviously yes, more important than having a place to live.

I wandered around all of the free places for a while just to see if there was possibly a free crate of rubbish that I hadn’t picked up in my inventory, when I managed to land in a casino – still haven’t managed to streamline the search facilities – when looking for jobs I keep ending up in strip clubs! I had a bit of luck, on the second turn of the machines I landed $L3000; had I managed to keep any of it I would have been set for the week. However spurred on by the continuing announcements of other very lucky winners in the club, I frittered away most of it. In fact there was only just enough to buy a new set of skin and some crimson trousers (just as well I don’t have to budget for food).

Even running all over the casino did not seem to help, some gentleman won 45,000L$, a fact that startled me so much that I managed to donate 20L$ to a stranger, who didn’t give it back – people just aren’t as honourable as you think. In fact apart from leaving me with just enough money to buy a manual on building things (still a toss up between hair and hats), I don’t think I’m going to make my fortune in the casinos.
My first proper job
Since my lottery ticket isn’t drawn for another week and the pyramid scheme has gone silent, I have to face facts I need a job with a regular income. After spectacularly failing to camp in several regions of second life (I swept parts of a warehouse, danced on a loop that wasn’t activated). I decided to go into advertising; I chose to wear a box on my body and walk around and ask people to click me. It was L$2 per click and it all started well – I spotted a guy with a 100 clicks and although this wouldn’t keep me in Jacuzzis and caviar, it felt like it would be some of the bills that I seem to be accruing. I hadn’t realised how difficult it is to go up to people and ask them to click you; rules are quite strict here as to where you can and can’t advertise. I wasn’t allowed to go into the clubs and so I wondered around various Newbie sites, in the hope that my peers would be sympathetic to my plight, and five of them were. Unfortunately, a gentle soul in a warehouse told me to “keep your stupid box” and pushed me off the ledge I was standing on. A second experience, where one of the gentlemen felt I was looking for more than a click, proved equally embarrassing and after cashing in my clicks for money ($L10 for half an hour’s work), I took my box off and started to nose around for other opportunities. I’ll let you know when I find them…

Tip for the day: When buying a skin make sure that you pick up a demo skin first off, as they are extremely expensive and once you have committed you can’t get a refund. Make sure that you know where your old skin has been failed in your inventory when trying on demo skins. These skins will come with demo tattooed on them and if you can’t remember where your old skin is, you may be forced to buy a new skin or walk around second life looking like an idiot. It happened to me, it could happen to you…
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