Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

this was one of the best days of my life:in Luxembourg .  

Die Festlichkeiten zum Nationalfeiertag in Luxembourg starten an diesem Abend . Es wird ein breites Publikum erwartet, das sich vergnügt der Musik und dem Feuerwerk hingibt. Wie auch schon in den letzten Jahren, werden wieder Musikboxen errichtet werden, die die sonst so ruhige Stadt des Großherzogtums in einen Dancefloor verwandeln werden. Viele im Wind wehende Flaggen werden Heimatliebe und Vaterlandsstolz kundmachen. Außerdem werden sie den vielen Fotografen wieder sehr beliebte Fotomotive sein.
In Holzhütten, die man sonst nur vom Weihnachtsmarkt kennt, werden wieder zahlreiche Speisen angeboten, die für das leibliche Wohl sorgen sollen. Dort kann man sich den Abend über mit zahlreichen schmackhaften Genußmitteln versorgen und mit gefülltem Bauch dem Feuerwerk folgen.
Auch für dieses Jahr haben die Veranstalter das ein oder andere Highlight in Aussicht gestellt.
Die Festlichkeiten werden sich natürlich nicht nur auf heute Abend beschränken, denn der eigentliche Feiertag ist erst morgen. Am Donnerstag erwartet den Besucher eine Militärparade, die von luxembourgischen Soldaten aufgeführt wird. Wie jedes Jahr, ist der Nationalfeiertag ein Muss für jeden, der in der Stadt selber oder in der direkten Umgebung wohnt!

Inside a convenience store in the 1890’s, Luxembourg

this was one of the best days of my life:
in Luxembourg .  

Friday, July 9, 2010

My night


Oggi sono passati esattamente 3 mesi dalla mia festa di laurea!

Mentre riguardavo le foto della serata, mi è venuta voglia di condividere con voi questo ricordo, non tanto perché indossavo un abito meraviglioso (!!!) ma perché è stata una delle serate più belle della mia vita…Avevo il mio vestito, la mia acconciatura favolosa, la mia famiglia e tutti i miei amici accanto…

Sono passati 3 mesi molto complicati e devo ammettere che la vita da studente non mi manca più di tanto!

Ecco le foto che preferisco…

Today it’s 3 months since my graduation party!

While I was re watching the pics of that night, I felt like sharing with you this memoir, not just because I was wearing a fantastic dress (!!!) but also because it’s been one of most wonderful nights of my all life…I had my dress, my wonderful hairdo, all my family and my friends by my side…

It’s been 3 truly difficult months since then and I must admit that I don’t really miss life as student!

Here are my favourite pics from that night…



My lovely boyfriend



My wonderful mom



My so elegant dad


Mia sorella Giulia

My beautiful sister


Mia nonna

My funny grandmother


Mia zia Fernanda (una delle mie più grandi fan!)

My aunt Fernanda (one of my biggest fans!)





Monday, November 17, 2008

Reader submitted - PARTY!!!

Thanks to Fury for starting it, Luskwood's Nekkid Dance Party from two Sundays ago
Submitted by Christopher Chidester
Click for full size

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I love it when my friends in SL invite me to private parties. And I love to throw parties myself. As I have said before in this columns, I really believe the bone marrow of this virtual game resides in relationships. Otherwise it’s just an empty shell where we become cartoon characters with very week storylines. So… a month ago, when I got a very special invitation to a very special party… I made sure to stick a post-it on my screen. I wasn’t going to miss that, no matter what.
I got home from work ten minutes before the SL party time. I hadn’t had lunch and it was late in the RL afternoon, so I made myself a ham sandwich with a lot of mayonnaise, poured a large iced Coke, kicked off my shoes, put on my glasses, and sat in from of my Mac. As I turned it on, I pulled the post-it off, and… OMG! There was another one underneath reminding me of a RL wedding, that same day… two hours later!!!
I had completely forgotten about that. And believe me… I HAD TO BE THERE. But I had to be in the SL party too, both because I cared a lot for the ones who were hosting the party… and because, even if it’s true, RL always reeks of excuse.Not to mention that I could never have excused myself from the RL wedding blaming SL. A lot of people would have been ready to have me committed.
So, before I started breathing in a paper bag… I tried to pull myself together. I browsed through my virtual wardrobe and choose an outfit I had worn to a party a few days before. It looked nice. Pity RL wasn’t going to be so easy.I TP to the party, shouted “HELLO EVERYONE”, typed greetings, a lot of “:)))))))))))))))s”, hit a dance ball, run to the bathroom and turned on the shower while I managed to put on a few rollers on my head.
I run back to the den, looked at the local chat log, typed a few “HAHAHAHAs” and some more :))))). Run to the RL wardrobe and pulled out a few dresses. In RL, they never fit properly, and they are always wrinkled.I ran back to the den. I looked at the log again… Someone, apparently, had made a joke. “LOL” I typed, and run off to the shower. If someone had timed me, I’d probably belong in the Guinness record book.
Came back to the screen. There were a few IMs, the “for your eyes only” kind of messages, so much difficult to ignore.
A third one from the hostess…. Which got yet another “WOW, lovely party, and some more :)))))))” and then I wrote another quick “WOOT” for the local chat and rushed off to fetch the ironing board and the iron. (I had to stay close to the screen, just in case.)
I had to find a free socket under the desk, which it wasn’t easy because I have two computers side by side and all kinds of accessories. (BTW: have you ever counted the wires and plugs that multiply themselves around and under your desk?).
Then I glimpsed at the screen, and saw that the hostess had decided to give a speech in voice. So I run off to get the dress, the make up, the nail polish and the tweezers. And a mirror that I managed to duck tape to the other computer. I put on the earphones struggling with the rollers just in time to hear all the things the hostess and other guests had to say. But I also switched on my voice. And I forgot.
“AUCH, DAMN IT” I said. (I was plucking a few stray hairs from my eyebrows.) I also said a few four letter words out loud, because I hadn’t checked on the iron and It was smoking hot. I heard people laugh and I realized they were able to hear… so I wrote a few “OMG SORRY” and some more “:)))” and took a bite of my sandwich, because I was really starving and dinner at weddings are always delayed.
Of course, the inevitable happened. I dropped mayonnaise between the “W”, the “E”, the “A” and the “S”. “WSAWWWSSWSEESWAASWQWDESWW”, I wrote, trying to clean the mess. People thought it was a new , rather complicated acronym. They asked. No, I said. “HEH”. The cat walked all over the keyboard. (Which it also often happens).
Another “ROLF’ (What the heck was I “rolf'ing” about???”), and I got up, keeping an eye on the screen, and managed to iron some large wrinkles off the dress.
Then I realized I had to wear sandals, so I had to paint my toe nails first. I placed one foot on top of the desk , then the other, somehow I got the toe nails to look red, not without kicking the Coke glass to the floor, where it broke, and I stepped on a glass splinter while jumping on my other foot.
“WOOT” “LOL” “YES I’M HERE”, “SORRY, PHONE”, I rushed to get a Band-Aid, and then started with my fingernails… The “Shift” key is now red forever.
People at the SL party seemed to be having a great time.While the polish dried, I put some make up on. So I had to take off my glasses and didn’t get so see the IMs very well. And yes… I got the windows mixed… but that’s another story.
“WOOOOO”. I got my dress on. “LOL”, one sandal. “ROFL”, the other. “GREAT PARTY”, “I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME”, “IT WAS SO NICE TO SEE YOU ALL”.
I brushed my hair, wrote a few more “:))))”, “THANKS”, “HUGS”, “SORRY, BUT I REALLY HAVE TO GO”, “CYA SOON”, and logged off.
When I got to the wedding, I realized I had left the iron on. Too bad I couldn’t click on it and “take”. Besides I hated the dress. Too bad I couldn’t “replace outfit”. And I hated that boring wedding. Too bad I couldn’t log off. Or just vanish and say I crashed.
Bottom line?
I love both worlds. But I hate it when they collide.

Covadonga Writer.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

HappyFeline Tigergirl and her "Fun Rave Dance Cult"

I've found myself going to Luskwood more often since the Fortellia club closed down. Often, nothing much was going on. Other times someone would start up the music, and a small dance party would start. I usually saw just a few dancers, though some could bring in more with lively music.
Recently, one woman has been making appearances in Luskwood, passing out free copies of dance party gear, and calling everyone onto the floor to swing to the music. HappyFeline Tigergirl, the founder of the "Fun Rave Dance Cult," has been doing her best to stir up fun when she appears at the tree platform.
HappyFeline came into Second Life in March 2008, coming up with the idea of encouraging people to dance shortly there after. "I really just started to make parties to get them up and mixing," she told me, "and then some told me it was so nice to have new friends and fun. Now I seem to have a new job."
The "Rave" gear HappyFeline passes out consist of glowsticks, flashy batons, dark avatar-sizes globes that show just a colorful silhouette of the dancer inside, globes of bright flashy colors, and others. Too many dancers with too much flash means some people nearby will start to lag, so some just dance with a glowstick in hand, or wear a fancy avatar while dancing.
Of her favorite locations to start up a dance party, HappyFeline considered Luskwood "My specialty," making some occasional rounds at Rocket City. She has been looking for other areas to hold a party, wanting to keep people happy, "I love getting notes (saying) that things cheered them up."
No doubt she'll continue.
Bixyl Shuftan
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