Saturday, June 7, 2008

HappyFeline Tigergirl and her "Fun Rave Dance Cult"

I've found myself going to Luskwood more often since the Fortellia club closed down. Often, nothing much was going on. Other times someone would start up the music, and a small dance party would start. I usually saw just a few dancers, though some could bring in more with lively music.
Recently, one woman has been making appearances in Luskwood, passing out free copies of dance party gear, and calling everyone onto the floor to swing to the music. HappyFeline Tigergirl, the founder of the "Fun Rave Dance Cult," has been doing her best to stir up fun when she appears at the tree platform.
HappyFeline came into Second Life in March 2008, coming up with the idea of encouraging people to dance shortly there after. "I really just started to make parties to get them up and mixing," she told me, "and then some told me it was so nice to have new friends and fun. Now I seem to have a new job."
The "Rave" gear HappyFeline passes out consist of glowsticks, flashy batons, dark avatar-sizes globes that show just a colorful silhouette of the dancer inside, globes of bright flashy colors, and others. Too many dancers with too much flash means some people nearby will start to lag, so some just dance with a glowstick in hand, or wear a fancy avatar while dancing.
Of her favorite locations to start up a dance party, HappyFeline considered Luskwood "My specialty," making some occasional rounds at Rocket City. She has been looking for other areas to hold a party, wanting to keep people happy, "I love getting notes (saying) that things cheered them up."
No doubt she'll continue.
Bixyl Shuftan
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