Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Meaning of (Second) Life

In a recent conversation in the sl-newspaper offices, a certain colleague of mine kept pointing out that SL is "just a game" and as always in these occasions, it sent the old mind cogs inside spinning around at odd angles. You see, SL may be a game, but unlike every other game, there are no objectives. No end line to cross. No time limit you have to run out. You don't have to catch em all, get the girl, or kill the baddies. In fact.. when you enter the game of Second Life, there is no purpose. This bothered me slightly, so I decided to go on a quest for enlightenment, to see if anyone could tell me comprehensively what the Meaning of Life was... or at least the Meaning of Second Life.

As in real life, the logical places to look for some form of meaning in the world surrounding me seemed to be religion. However, not wanting to limit my quest, I chose 5 religions, and sought out prominent representatives of each, to chat about this existential quandary. First stop: Christianity. I traveled to the CG-Church,, where I met Pastor Bamaisin, and put my question to him:

Voodoo: I'm looking for the meaning of Second Life?
Pastor Bamaisin: the new life...
Voodoo: How so?
Pastor Bamaisin: People live a life in reality = RL, and here many try to live what they have dreamed always about.
Voodoo: that’s a reason to be here.... but is it the meaning of life here?
Pastor Bamaisin: yes for many... everybody does what he thinks is best for him
Voodoo: and as a Christian... does this freedom fit with your beliefs?
Pastor Bamaisin: no not really - it’s in this way like the real life. You cannot hinder sexshops and gambling etc...
Voodoo: So if God creates man... and man creates SL... Is God in SL?
Pastor Bamaisin: I experience HIM here as in RL. its always people talking with people, no matter the avatar, so GOD talk to mankind here as well. He reaches out to people through me and other Christians.
Voodoo: and that is what God would feel is the meaning of SL is?
Pastor Bamaisin: You have to ask HIM...

Next stop on my quest was the beautifully built, Chebi Mosque,, where I met Muslim council member muhammedyussif Wikinger, to see if he could give some further insight:

Voodoo: As a Muslim, what do you think is the meaning of Second Life?
muhammedyussif Wikinger: Connecting with people from all over the world
Voodoo: Is that a reason people come on, or the meaning of life in SL?
muhammedyussif Wikinger: I don't understand the meaning of the question - could Voodoo part it in two
Voodoo: People come on here to meet and play... but does your position as a muslim give you any perspective on what we should be here for?
muhammedyussif Wikinger: You mean the purpose of God to allow this adventure?
Voodoo: sure
muhammedyussif Wikinger: I think God uses this as always to test us and depending of how we use this opportunity we pass the test or not. For example... I use the time here to inform about Islam and to encourage people to change their way of life to reduce the damage of global warming
Voodoo: So it's a way of spreading the word about what you believe in?
muhammedyussif Wikinger: Yes really - on opportunity I could not get anywhere else. For example I have been interviewed in USA Today... would never had happened any other place
Voodoo: Right... you mentioned that this was a test.. so are people failing?
muhammedyussif Wikinger: It is up to God to decide that but all these griefers and immoral behaviour I think is a failure

Leaving the Mosque, I organised to meet Enchantress Sao, a respected member of the SL pagan community, at her land, Spirit Rising ( Be this point, I changed the question slightly, feeling that people weren't quite understanding what I was asking:

Voodoo: I am looking for the meaning of second life, and wondered if being a pagan gave you any perspective?
Enchantress Sao: well for me it is a chance to connect with other pagans all over the world in a setting that we can both teach and learn
Voodoo: So... that is what you feel is our purpose here?
Enchantress Sao: that is part of what my purpose is here that and being creative. I can't speak for everyone else. We all have our own agendas
Voodoo: How does being a pagan inform what you feel you should be doing? and does it give you any opinion on what others do here?
Enchantress Sao: As far as what others do here I do not judge anyone, after all this is a game and everyone plays it differently. It isn't so much what I feel I should be doing it is what I really enjoy doing
Voodoo: Is it just a game?
Enchantress Sao: It’s an extension and an enhancement to my real life
Voodoo: so we should just do what we enjoy?
Enchantress Sao: yes I think so as long as you don't harm yourself or others

I flew out of the nature and wonder of the pagan forest, to fly to the skyborn Skeptical Buddhists Sangha,, to meet with Starsitter Quality, a Buddhist, and get her thoughts:

Voodoo: I am looking for the meaning of Second Life, and I wondered, as a Buddhist... what you feel is our purpose here?
Starsitter Quality: As a Buddhist, I don't worry about the meaning of Second Life. I just enjoy being here.
Voodoo: so... you don't feel there is a purpose here?
Starsitter Quality: If there is a purpose, it's not one I can know the whole of. It seems a little limiting, don't you think, to try to pick just one purpose?
Voodoo: so, you feel there are many?
Starsitter Quality: As many as there are participants, and then some!
Voodoo: And how should we determine what these purposes would be?
Starsitter Quality: Observation, of what's around you and your reaction to it.
Voodoo: so... see what we find, and do what we feel?
Starsitter Quality: Mostly, but be thoughtful. Not so much feeling, as being conscious.
Voodoo: Contemplation is the key? So we're here for experience?
Starsitter Quality laughs. I don't know what *you're* here for! I can't speak for anyone else. I do recommend employing the brain while here though. :)

Last stop on my tour was the Jewish sim of IR Shalom, where I met with Carter Giacobini, a community leader there, and asked what he thought:

Voodoo: Ok.... I'm looking for the meaning of Second Life.... as a Jew, what do you feel is our purpose here?
Carter Giacobini: well... as a Jew, our purpose in SL is to continuously educate ourselves and non-Jews, build a sense of community and to reach out to other faiths to help build bridges. I think that making SL a place where people understand Jews better is something that can reach out into RL and have a real impact there
Voodoo: And the purpose for the non-Jewish?
Carter Giacobini: LOL - depends on what they're here to get out of it... for someone of faith, I think that the best thing they could do is to reach out to others w/in their own community and outside of their community, as well however if someone is here for strictly fun or rp'ing then that's a different story
Voodoo: So.... people may have come here for fun or rping... but is that their purpose? is that what they should do?
Carter Giacobini: I think that people should do whatever is that they want to do, as long as they're respectful of others and follow the Terms Of Service. This place, like the rest of the Internet, is so pregnant w/ possibilities, and to narrow what someone should do because I think they should do it. It is unfair and restrictive. I choose to run a couple of sims, it's what I choose to do, but you choose to be a reporter.
Voodoo: So people should do whatever they want?
Carter Giacobini: I think as long as it's in line with the Terms Of Service, then yes. why not? I think a lot of people miss some wonderful opportunities for personal growth but that's not my decision to make for them

So... what have we learned. Well, for me, I think the general message is that Second Life seems to be what you make of it. You do what you think is right, what you feel in your heart to be right, and what you believe is the best, while all the while respecting those around you. And we have also learned that if you find that you are losing your way on your own personal quest, there are plenty of people willing to help you with guidance and advice to help you find what you are looking for.
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