Sunday, August 19, 2007

Who is Torley Linden ???

Friendly greetings! I'm Torley, you may've heard I love watermelons. It's true.

I started my Second Life as a Resident (affectionately abbreviated as "Resi") in 2004 before working for Linden Lab, and grew very passionate about making our world a better place for you to live. I'm mellow but prone to enthusiasm.

If you feel you're constantly observing and acting on wonders most other people miss, I can relate.

I'm a "Product Manager & more" on the Community Team.

* I develop communications — Blog, Issue Tracker, Wiki, etc.
* I'm in Studio Blacklight, helping devs to identify and repro critical pain points.
* I'm our community-facing representative for Project: WindLight (killer skies & kickass environments).
* I also nourish content creativity — Texture Tools, Video Tutorials, etc.
* I'm involved with the inworld Resident eXperience, including our user interface, and exploring the Grid.
* You can call me an avid photographer of Second Life's beauty, and spontaneous performance artist.
* Additionally, I specialize in connecting seemingly unrelated pieces together and observing eclecticism that gets missed!

I also post regularly on the Official Linden Blog.

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