Dear Bella
Hello, i've had problems in second life, I play a ten year old boy in sl, because in real life, I got a mind of a 10 year old, I got add and adhd and a few others things, I am at a 5th grade level in school, with my highschool deploma but at 5th grade.
People call me a perv, and say i like being a kid because it gets me going if you know what I mean, well I am very pertective over kids, im in a stop seual kid abuse group, and more, I own an agency for kids too get adotped at, can you tell me why people would think this and what i did wrong for people think this, how can i fix it it, if you like you may post this commment on the website :-)
Dear Writer,
As far as I'm concerned, Second Life is a second chance at life. We get to do things here that we may have missed doing in real life.
For some people, it is the opportunity to be who we really would have liked to have been. I believe it's beneficial to create a new life here and process stuff that has had a negative impact on our 'real' lives.
For some other people though, it is the opportunity to take advantage of other people, to express sexual perversion, to lie, cheat, steal, bully, dominate etc.
You don't say how old you are, and I can only presume you are over 18 years old - an adult to most people's thinking.
So when you ask, "Why would people think I am being a pervert?" I think it's because this is something that not a lot of us have been exposed to before - a 'grown' person 'playing' a ten year old child.
What we HAVE been exposed to, are lots of stories of adults taking advantage of children and violating them for their own perverted sexual pleasure. Everyone I know says they no longer feel comfortable interacting with children in the same carefree way we used to - no jiggling kids on your knees, no tender cuddles, and most likely, innocent little ticklings have gone the way of the dodo bird.
We all have our 'red alert' alarm well and truly poised, looking out for any behaviour we regard as suspicious or 'unnatural'.
I have no idea if you are a good person or not - it's only by your actions that I can judge whether you have a pure heart. You know the truth, which of course doesn't make it any easier for you if people are judging you harshly and unjustly.
You ask how you can fix this (people judging you a pervert because you want to 'act' like a ten year old). Well, I guess it's just a matter of time - you have to prove to the SL community that you can be trusted and that your motives are for the protection of children, not the violation of them.
You gave me your real avatar name, and I checked what groups you belong to so I can only accept that your motives are good. One of them, "Inner Child" has this charter:
"Inner Child was created as a place for RL adults who choose to be a child in thier second life. A place where they can come and be free from adult issues, where they can shop and play in safety.
Inner Child does not associate itself, nor participate in any type of sexual or fetish play, advances, or acts. Any and all persons that come to Inner Child must abide by our standards. Treat the child avs as you would treat your real life children. ANYONE that does not agree with the above will be banned."
SL Newspaper published an article last week by Zaclegend Usher and it is only by people speaking up about this issue and raising awareness of your motives, that people will begin to understand what they just can't understand at this time.
I will be interested to hear back from you, whether the publicity on this issue has helped the cause of protecting children.
All the best,