Monday, September 17, 2007

Calender Girl

As anyone who wanders through SL can see, there's some very beautiful people in SL. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before someone spotlighted some of the most gorgeous girls in a calender, for people to enjoy both inworld and out in our mundane reality. The 12avatars project ( is a just such a calender, with 100% of the proceeds being divided between the avatars who sell the real calendars in-world and real world charities chosen by the calendar buyer.

The contest is currently on to choose the lucky ladies who get to grace the pages of this high profile calender. One of the entrants is a woman called SophiaOlivia Petrov, but her aim in entering the contest isn't as simple as the fame or fortune or even showing of her mighty fine looking avatar. SophiaOlivia is hoping to win the contest, and be entered in the calender, in order to help fund her group sims in SL, one of which supports the troops in Iraq and the other is dedicated to native American history and education.

If you wish to show some love, help out a few worthy causes, and get this sexy girl into SL's premier pinup calender, head over to the Voting Gallery which is located on Tellus, at the center of a 4-corner sim, which allowing them have more voters than on a single sim. You can also browse all the other entrants and help choose which of SL hottest get immortalised!

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