Friday, September 21, 2007

My Journal - Partings and Findings

WELL, it seems as though you are all happy and well adjusted, without any problems because I haven't received one single letter this week! So, I have decided to run a journal and let you know the highs and lows of MY life instead.

Two of my dearest and closest friends came to the very reluctant and unhappy decision to end their partnership this week. International time differences can be such a bore sometimes!

With only a scant hour or so per day that it was realistic for them to spend time together, it wasn't always possible and they came to the heart-wrenching conclusion that maybe it would be better to go back to just being friends and catching up with one another on a more casual basis.

So my friends, I raise a glass of champagne to your four months of 'partnered' bliss and wish you both well in finding happiness again.

As regular readers will know, I absolutely ADORE Second Life and if it were financially possible, I would move in here permanently and sleep in my gloriously extravagant bed. With anything POSSIBLE here, I am constantly amazed that so many people seek to replicate what they know of already in real life (or first life as I call it, since this is a more real life to me here).

So I was very surprised when I had a conversation with a lawyer and they spoke of alimony and property division in SL. Are you kidding me?! Let's hope THAT never takes off!

We have the most marvellous opportunity to create, if not a perfect world, certainly a BETTER world - free of insurance, traffic cops, taxation (oooohhh, what a dreamer I am!) and all the other bureaucratic drek that government officials dream up.

I was reminded of a time I went house-hunting with another friend and we inspected some very realistic houses on some estate or another - the house even had architrave trim on it, a fridge and a washing machine! I thought, "What next? A bloody lawnmower in the garden shed!!!!" (I'm Australian, bloody is our favourite adjective).

Well my friends, I'm off to a wedding - hope springs eternal!


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