As you walk through the throngs of SL, gazing on face after face as the avatars go by, you can be fooled into thinking that SL is very much a young person's game. Avatars, our computerised representatives in this computerised world, are by and large, young, buff and handsome. However, once you talk to people, you realise that the people who are behind these avatars come from a wide range of ages, from those just past age verification age, to the more mature inhabitants, at least in age if not always in behaviour. However, there are some who decide not to just look like some youth flushed supermodel, and actually let their avatar grow grey as well. I met with one such person, Harr Ireton, a man who not only walks the streets of SL with an older avatar, but also founded the group "Senior Admirers", dedicated to dispensing the thought that you have to be young to be sexy, by bringing together "seniors age 50 or older and those who admire them."

Voodoo: So... How long have you been playing Secondlife?
Harr Ireton: I was born on 3/4/2007... and this is my one and only avatar.
Voodoo: So, you've always been presented as an older person?
Harr Ireton: Yes, which was difficult to do at first.
Voodoo: How so?
Harr Ireton: So much of SL is geared toward avatars looking 21 years old, with perfect bodies and gorgeous hair... and I wanted none of those. So I had to look in a lot of the corners of SL to find what I was looking for... or make it myself.
Voodoo: So, Does your avatar age reflect your RL age, or was there another reason behind your avatar?
Harr Ireton: I will just say it represents me well. There are other minor reasons why it works well for me, such as being a rarity around SL.
Voodoo: So, a likening for standing out from the crowd?
Harr Ireton: Yes, I enjoy that aspect, I often get comments about my appearance and how it is rare, and that is fun and a great way to meet new friends.
Voodoo: So, the reaction to your appearance inworld is generally positive?
Harr Ireton: Yes, most avatars I've met seem to enjoy the break from seeing the standard avatars, and they are friendly. I have run into several situations where someone wanted to put me down or shut me out for having gray hair, but those have been minor and few and far between.
Voodoo: So there are still some examples of ageism even here?
Harr Ireton: Yes, and I found that strange, but appearance is still a large part of SL. I think humans are trapped in making quick judgments about someone based on that appearance. But I think most people in SL see my avatar and can judge that I care about how I present myself.
Voodoo: Absolutely... It may not be the average "sexy" avatar, but you can see that care has been taken in the construction...
Harr Ireton: Thanks.
Voodoo: So, what brought you to SL?
Harr Ireton: I tried it because of all the news articles I read about it. I got into it because of the poker and music events. I have stayed because it is fun. Fun to meet new people.
Voodoo: Obviously romance and sex play a big part in SL. If I may ask, have you been drawn into that side of SL?
Harr Ireton: I find that side of SL curious in that I don't understand why people enjoy it. I started a group aimed at gathering older avatars and the younger avatars who like them. After they meet, they can do what they want. To answer your question, no, I haven't been drawn into the sex side of SL.
Voodoo: What was your reasoning behind creating the group, if not something that you are particularly interested in?
Harr Ireton: In real life, there are people in intergenerational relationships (where both are over 21, of course). Society scoffs at them, but here in SL there is a socially safe way to interact with people who have the same attractions or ideas. Many of the older people I've met through there have avatars that appear to be 22.
Voodoo: Yes.... why do you think that is?
Harr Ireton: Why do older people have younger avatars? Is that what you're asking?
Voodoo: I suppose, yes
Harr Ireton: Some of them want to fit in, and in a world where you can be anyone, some of them want to play as an avatar who is younger than themselves, can go to a dance club, like they are 21 again. Some probably just aren't able to find older-looking hair.
Voodoo: Finally, do you have anything else you would like to share with our readers, from your unique perspective in SL?
Harr Ireton: I was born on 3/4/2007... and this is my one and only avatar.
Voodoo: So, you've always been presented as an older person?
Harr Ireton: Yes, which was difficult to do at first.
Voodoo: How so?
Harr Ireton: So much of SL is geared toward avatars looking 21 years old, with perfect bodies and gorgeous hair... and I wanted none of those. So I had to look in a lot of the corners of SL to find what I was looking for... or make it myself.
Voodoo: So, Does your avatar age reflect your RL age, or was there another reason behind your avatar?
Harr Ireton: I will just say it represents me well. There are other minor reasons why it works well for me, such as being a rarity around SL.
Voodoo: So, a likening for standing out from the crowd?
Harr Ireton: Yes, I enjoy that aspect, I often get comments about my appearance and how it is rare, and that is fun and a great way to meet new friends.
Voodoo: So, the reaction to your appearance inworld is generally positive?
Harr Ireton: Yes, most avatars I've met seem to enjoy the break from seeing the standard avatars, and they are friendly. I have run into several situations where someone wanted to put me down or shut me out for having gray hair, but those have been minor and few and far between.
Voodoo: So there are still some examples of ageism even here?
Harr Ireton: Yes, and I found that strange, but appearance is still a large part of SL. I think humans are trapped in making quick judgments about someone based on that appearance. But I think most people in SL see my avatar and can judge that I care about how I present myself.
Voodoo: Absolutely... It may not be the average "sexy" avatar, but you can see that care has been taken in the construction...
Harr Ireton: Thanks.
Voodoo: So, what brought you to SL?
Harr Ireton: I tried it because of all the news articles I read about it. I got into it because of the poker and music events. I have stayed because it is fun. Fun to meet new people.
Voodoo: Obviously romance and sex play a big part in SL. If I may ask, have you been drawn into that side of SL?
Harr Ireton: I find that side of SL curious in that I don't understand why people enjoy it. I started a group aimed at gathering older avatars and the younger avatars who like them. After they meet, they can do what they want. To answer your question, no, I haven't been drawn into the sex side of SL.
Voodoo: What was your reasoning behind creating the group, if not something that you are particularly interested in?
Harr Ireton: In real life, there are people in intergenerational relationships (where both are over 21, of course). Society scoffs at them, but here in SL there is a socially safe way to interact with people who have the same attractions or ideas. Many of the older people I've met through there have avatars that appear to be 22.
Voodoo: Yes.... why do you think that is?
Harr Ireton: Why do older people have younger avatars? Is that what you're asking?
Voodoo: I suppose, yes
Harr Ireton: Some of them want to fit in, and in a world where you can be anyone, some of them want to play as an avatar who is younger than themselves, can go to a dance club, like they are 21 again. Some probably just aren't able to find older-looking hair.
Voodoo: Finally, do you have anything else you would like to share with our readers, from your unique perspective in SL?
Harr Ireton: Just be you, and there will be great rewards for that. That goes for RL, too.