Dear Bella,
I'm new to Second Life, and I LOVE THE OUTFITS! The dresses, ballgowns, panties, skirts, stockings, bras, boots, shoes, jewelery, hats, and hair, hair, hair -- I must have it all!
Unfortunately, I've found that the only way to finance the addiction of a clothes whore is to become... the other kind of whore. I've tried to find an honest job, but in the Second Life economy nothing is nearly as financially rewarding as taking your clothes off for money. I'm willing to do it, but I worry about my reputation. It may seem silly, but I'm proud of my SL identity, and I don't want it tainted. I live in mortal fear that I will be strolling with my boyfriend one day, and someone will say "Hey, I know you -- I paid you for a quickie last night. You look good with clothes on!"
If that happened, I think I would die of shame. (On the other hand, if I was wearing new Calla hair, I'd go out looking fabulous...) What's a girl to do?
-Clothes Addict Heidi
Dear Clothes Addict,
What do you mean "an honest job"? Whoring is an honest job. IF a woman wants to sell her body and her intimacies for money (rather than a nice house with a picket fence and a passel of kids), then that is her perogative.
Let's face it girls - it IS a bit of an exchange, isn't it? I'll give you sex on tap, if you provide me with a nice secure home and a degree of faithfulness? Some girls hold out for diamonds, but I think most are satisfied with a degree of financial security and a new car every couple of years.
Come on, tell me it isn't true ...
Heidi, you might find an alt a very good solution to your reputation - let her be the slutty tramp, and you can remain virginally pure when you're steppin' out with the boyfriend.
I thought about whoring myself when I first came to SL, but I also feel you make a kind of deal with the devil when you sell your body - some how or another, your soul goes along for the ride.
But if you think you can keep your body and your soul separate, then whoring might indeed be the ideal cash cow to finance your clothes addiction. And given the lack of big fat ol' sweaty men in SL who are gonna climb on board and BREATHE beer breath all over you, it might just be the way to go. (After all, it's more likely to be an extremely handsome stud you have sharing the pose ball with you). Which isn't too much of an ordeal.
The only other thing I would find hard to tolerate, would be the lamentable conversational abilities of some people. After all, isn't it about 90% of women's excitement that comes from the brain? If I'm not intellectually stimulated by a man, I just can't see myself being able to come up with anything too rivetting in the, "Come on baby, do it to me" department.
If your soul doesn't separate from your body, I can't see the harm in providing a service Heidi. Some people can do it, but others can't. Get yourself an alt if you want to protect your reputation, and see how you find that.

(Photo above - courtesy of the very talented Paolo Bade).
You can contact Bella on: BellaTheWise@gmail.com