Dear Bella,
What the hell am I gonna do? I've just been fired from my job because I got sprung playing SL at work. I am really freaked out cos my wife is gonna kick my head in for this!
I've just been so goddamned hooked since I came here and she's been on at me for months to spend more time with her and less time plahying here, but I just haven't been able to give it up.
I'm really freakin but in some ways all I'm thinking is good, now I can spend more time here. I just don't know what to do. I don't care about anything cept being here and building and spending time with my friends.
What work is available here? Why do other people do?
Outta Work and I don't care!
Dear Outta Work,
Welcome to the ranks of the unemployed, divorced, pasty-faced and starving-to-death junkies on SL.
I've known many people lucky enough (or unlucky enough, depending on how you look at it), who have access to a computer during the day and can get a fix of SL during their working day. Every single one of them has a "near miss" story of how they almost got sprung having sex / buying a dress / being out on a date / building a house while they should have been working.
EXCEPT you did caught and are now paying the price!
The only advice I can give you is to get yourself a job in a factory, or driving a truck/car where you don't have access to a computer during the day - otherwise, you WILL starve to death because somebody has to put food on the table.
I know people who have lost half a stone (however many pounds that is), because all they can think of, 24 hours a day, is being online and in Second Life - to the extent that eating and going to the toilet is such an intrusion!
My solution has been to set myself a schedule - I can be online from when I wake in the morning until 9am (or 8am if I have to go to work), then it's offline again until 4pm (if I'm working at home) or 7pm if I'm working away. The other saving grace is that I have a dog, and I have to walk her so that takes me away from the keyboard for another precious two hours. If I didn't have those conditions, I would be here 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the biggest smile on my face.
Oh, and by the way, get that job BEFORE you tell the missus you're an unemployed bum addict!
Who else has had a near miss at work?
All the best, fellow-addict,