Saturday, November 3, 2007

Glitterarti of the Arterarti

"I LIKE TO MAKE A PLEASURE OF ART," says my wonderful friend Singuart Ballinger.

And it was with this sentiment in mind that I went along to his exhibition last weekend at the Clearwater Beach art gallery, where I rubbed shoulders with the glitterarti of the French arterarti.

Apart from having the cutest French accent and way of expressing himself, Sing is a dedicated political commentator with a huge social conscience.

As well as exhibiting at Clearwater, Sing also has an exhibition real life at the Lyon Town Hall until January 2008.

"Since childhood, I always had this curious idea to touch, try out, and create things," he said at the exhibition opening. "To have an object between my hands, very quickly carried me towards an imaginary universe. I invented a history and very often, I transformed the object in order to give again to him a second breath, one second life."

Today I want to affirm that matter, when one observes a true source of pleasure. I want to say also that the birth of the natural euphoria is the gasoline of the most perfect of the pleasures, that of creation.

"Art evolves/moves with the liking of the desires, the matter, the life. To live and give birth as a painting, a sculpture, a melody..... is to achieve itself in a natural sensitivity made of love."

Singuart works in acrylic and oil and exhibited in front of fellow artists and sculptors including Lady Gazov, who works in the acrylic medium herself.

Guests included Staphy McGinnis, Eirene Janus, Artemisia Mathy, Alexbe Yifu, Lady Gazov, Klex Carter, Manser Acronym, Xmanser, Klex Carter, Mariaka Nishi, Frao Ra, Rogers Bade, Jammie Laval and Zion Avro.
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