In my last article about Second Life audio and video “Renaissance Woman - Yxes Delacroix” we left off talking about her involvement with producing Tonight Live With Paisley Beebe on SLCN. We continue here talking about more of her media projects.
Delinda Dyrssen: I understand that SLCN shows are avail on pod cast now that’s great news, however you have your own pod cast project you do... "Podmafia." Tell me a little about that...
Yxes Delacroix: laughs. The Podmafia podcast is an audio only podcast I am a co-host on, with Stuart Warf, and Gomem Desoto. The guys are in England, and I live in Phoenix, AZ, and we record over Skype our weekly rantings and chattering about Second Life. It is available on iTunes, and at Podmafia.com.
DD: So your interfacing with the British sense of humor.. sounds interesting
YD: Oh, yes! I tease them about taking Brit 101, so I can understand their humor and their accents. smile*
DD: This show is all about Second Life?
YD: We chat about the news in SL, great shopping places and we highlight SL musicians, to help promote the amazing talent one can find in SL. Sometimes we talk about RL topics that might impact SL, but mostly it is an SL topic driven podcast. We are going to do a Live show at the end of the month, via TalkShoe, in the format of a live call-in talk show.
DD: So people will be able to call in via RL phones or skype?
YD: I think so. There will be a link, too, on Podmafia.com. I am not entirely sure, though, exactly how it is set up. People can email or IM me for details on that and I’ll find out exactly how TalkShoe works that out. :) That live show is scheduled for the 23rd (Sunday) at 10am SL Time (PST)
DD: Great! Ill watch for it myself . Sounds like your breaking ground in Sl media again. I love this concept of taking SL with you weather its reading about it on a web based newspaper or on am iPod type service Actually one day I traveled a couple hours from my home by car and listen to all music I discovered in SL... I really enjoyed this.. and would love to try that with your podcasts sometime.
YD: You can go to iTunes, look for podmafia and subscribe. Now you can get the SLCN shows, and the ShoppingSL video podcasts on iTunes as well. Just do a search for SLCN TV.
DD: I know many people are so busy while in SL they don’t find time to catch these broadcasts (although I have sat with friends and watched in world) so I can see taking an iPod or Zune with you with you in RL and catching up on some shows while on a train or plane somewhere.. would be fun!
YD: I actually do listen to podcasts while driving. it is more fun than regular radio, that's for sure.
DD: Well before we end this .. I have a few short questions I would like to ask everyone on SL.
First.. what brought you to Second Life?
YD: You will laugh at this.. but I came to SL to learn about podcasting, and to meet podcasters and to learn how to do a podcast. :)
DD: Well looks like you found what you were looking for!
YD: yes, I did. Within about a month of being in SL, I met Banana Stein, and he and I created the first podcast I ever did, and that ran on for nearly a year. :)
DD: Excellent! What was your most embarrassing moment in SL?
YD: Hmmmmm.... well... I would have to my most embarrassing moment was a "noobie moment" of trying to put a tattoo on, and suddenly being topless in a crowd of my friends. :) A friend put a box around me so i could put a blouse back on, to try to save my embarrassment. :)
DD: Ha! Thank God for quick thinking friends. I’m sure a lot of avs can relate. You really do feel naked in RL too . Our avs are such an extension of ourselves. Have you ever Googled your SL name?
YD: I have Googled Yxes Delacroix...after someone told me that is how they found out about me. There are many references there. It is a lil embarrassing, as I had no idea that I would be so "visible" in this virutal world. :)
DD: Yes its amazing ... I noticed there is a lot about you out there. In the real world press.. mostly in the form of articles and blogs on the internet.. there is a lot of negative press about Second Life.. to the point sometimes its embarrassing to tell people in the real world your even a resident of this world of “flying penises” and all. What would you like to say to them about positives in Second Life?
YD: laughs out loud "Oh my goodness! there is sooo much to say about SL that is positive!" This is a world of adventure, discovery, enlightenment and fun! You can experience just about anything here that you would never or could ever experience in real life. There are no bounds to the imaginative creativity that anyone can express...whether musically, artistically or technically. Just like any other area of our lives, there is always going to be a balance of darkness to the light. I live and work in Second Life for the fun and adventure. That is what SL is to me.
DD: last but not least... How does one pronounce your first name?
YD: smiles. I will give you my "standard answer" to that one...as it is the most asked question I hear.... My name is pronounced X S, the Y is silent... it is just sexY backwards. :)
Delinda Dyrssen: ;-) Thank you.
Yxes Delacroix: smiles .. You're very welcome.