Wednesday, January 9, 2008

9 Questions to ... Frolic Mills

to Frolic Mills

1...Why did you choose THAT name for your avatar ? And can you enclose a Newbee pic of yourself ?

Frolic is a bar I used to hang out in Hollywood Boulevard a long time ago, and for some I have always kept that name for online gaming.

2...How long were you in SL before you felt you could function and enjoy SL to its full (at least the basics) ?

I found a job djing on my third day in SL. It has been interesting for me from the very beginning.

3...What was the most embaressing moment in SL to date ?

During one of my dj sessions, I told my listeners how very poor I was because I could not buy lindens from Venezuela, and I confessed being an SL virgin due to the fact that I had the most horrible looking penis E-V-E-R!! One of the listeners went ahead and created: 'A PENIS FOR FROLIC FOUNDATION' and believe it or not people came through and I ended up with enough money for a nice member. It was embarrasing but also the most beautiful act of kindness I have ever seen in SL.

4...Do you have a picture / screenshot of the first place you hung out in SL ? yes I do.(please enclose)

5...70% or more of your time in SL is used for ...... (if possible please elaborate)

I own and direct THE BEST OF SL Magazine and due to the name of the mag I am always exploring the world and and discovering the top content creators in ANY field.

6...Whats the best item you ever built ? Did you sell it ? And do you have a picture of it ? (please enclose)

All crap !

7...Are you happy with your avatar, or is there something you still want to change but havent done, or is impossible ? (please enclose picture of how your AV looks now)

I sometimes play with hair and skin but I wouldnt change it too much, I like it :)

8...What was the most you ever paid for an item/object in SL ? And what was it ?

My skin !

9...If you could sum up your SL in one sentence what would it be ? Or if there is a oneliner you want to share with our readers what would it be ?

Practise random acts of kindness. :)
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