Sunday, March 9, 2008

Breezes Thoughts

Wake up wake up you sleepyheads. There is much to explore in this Fantasy World of ours.
Friends to greet, see how they are doing and give a word of cheer.
Throughout my day I pop all over this land of ours surveying the most I can find. I Love finding new ways to entertain myself. I dearly love to shop Oh yes, in a few short months I have accumulated a vast jumble of inventory. Driven my child (Dana) absolutely crazy with questions and thank goodness she can always find time to get me out of confuzzled messes.
JTJ is absolutely positive if it can be accomplished wrong then Mommy will find a way to do it.
No doubt he is right, is he not right all the time?
Most embarrassing moments Ha , I have had so many, I hope you all have had the excitement I have found. The fantastic friends I have met have changed my thoughts and dreams. I do believe dreams will come true. One thing I finally discovered lately, is that when meeting new friends, discovering their lives is most fulfulling, I hope I have made a difference in their lives as they have mine.

I am sorry to say, I have never had the patience to learn to build. I enjoy immensely the discovery of quiet lands, the beautiful scenery, the gift that builders have, the artists especially, the clothing designers, and the musicans, DJ's oh I have so many wonderful talented friends, they care not if I am talented, just being near with my chatter their smiles are my goal.
My closest friends hear my thoughts, comfort me in my time of need Laugh with me and dance with me. I love to dance, to chatter, be serious if need be but to make all of our days a wonderful fulfilling time.
I tend to ramble on don't I? Yes and I like to talk to myself - sometimes I even take my own advice, mmmmmmm yes I do. It can be quite exciting as one might imagine when you get to know me laughter is lurking near me.

You all might wade through this and wonder 'what in the world is Bree trying to tell us' well, I just want you to go out greet new folks explore this land. If you have a talent build on it. If you want to become something different Second Life can make it happen.

Friends and their wisdom are all over, just search the lands and fulfill your desires.

Bree XXX
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