Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Beast Kicks A Patient.

The Beast Of Ghul, aka Jeb Nicholls, sunk even lower (if that was possible) on the day prior to me leaving the prison.
Following a slight disagreement between Subnik Chaffe and Razor Moss, Subnik collapsed to the ground. Myself and Guard Dwain Saunders went over to help. Although non-responsive, pulse slightly low, the thing that worried me was his breathing, very slow and wheezy. After he was turned over, we realized it was something far worse than mere collapse. Suddenly his breathing stopped altogether, followed quickly by the heart. Dwain and myself began CPR.
It was at this point things began to go ‘pear shaped’. Jeb Nicholls walked into the exercise yard and straight to where we were. He asked what was going on, and on being informed, he replied that Subnik was faking it. At this point he drew back his right leg and violently kicked Sub in the ribs, a cracking noise was heard. I protested and demanded that Nicholls leaves my patient alone. That’s when I realized just how low the Beast would stop. Even as we are trying to breathe life back into Sub, Nicholls unzips his trousers and promptly urinates all over Sub, saying “That will wake him up, usually works” & laughed.
It was now that I had to do something. Telling Dwain to get Jeb up and take him to the sickbay, where at least I could have some authority over the matter, I stood up and faced the Beast then yelled at Nicholls to go away in a sexual manner. He glared at me as I followed Dwain to the sickbay. I had made a new enemy.
Even in the sickbay, Nicholls continued to harass both myself and the patient, even at times hurling abuse at his fellow officer. I demanded the he left, a stand off. I admit I lost my temper and started hurling non-friendly words at him. Dwain tried to calm me down but I was having non of it. Whilst still trying to help Subnik, I eventually persuaded the Beast to leave. He backed of but with a look that told me this would not be the end of the matter.
Eventually Subnik came round, memory of the event a bit mixed up. Dwain and I managed to bandage the ribs, and as Sub was in extreme pain, administered some morphine, which delighted the poor guy as he got real high.
I am pleased to say that as far as I know, he made a complete recovery. I left the prison the next day. Although as I have many friend still ‘inside’ I am sure there will be more atrocities to report in the future. I am now on ‘retreat’ in a secret location as word is out that Jeb Nicholls is highly displeased that I got out, and away from his revenge. Makes me only slightly concerned, as most bullies when faced up to, generally back off.
FOOTNOTE: It is unfortunate for me, but very convenient for the prison, that the security cameras in the exercise yard had mysteriously malfunctioned during the event, strange that.
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