Saturday, April 12, 2008

Interview with Annetelope Pawpaw

Firehorse Rearwin: Why did you first sign up to SL?
Annetelope Pawpaw: I didn't even know what it was, never heard of it till one day I was on work and my brother-in-law downloaded it and showed me'
Annetelope Pawpaw: I went home and downloaded it onto my pc that night.
Firehorse Rearwin: What was the appeal at first?
Annetelope Pawpaw: The fact it was so real looking and the people I came across looked so fantastic...for the first time in my lifeI was a size ten with legs all the way up to my armpits and boobs that defied gravity, that's what captured my interest at first
Annetelope Pawpaw: in sl you can look perfect.
Firehorse Rearwin: and how long did it take you to be able to function on SL?
Annetelope Pawpaw: It took me a while before I started to build or create anything at first, I was just happy to explore and meet new people from all over the world....I met a few nice people who helped me get the hang on the basics. It can be quite a lot to take in when you first start as a noob, I guess it took me about a month to really feel comfortable with it all
Firehorse Rearwin: Why did you choose your SL name?
Annetelope Pawpaw: Well Annetelope is something I had been called off and on my whole life so that part was easy and Pawpaw because it had the same animal appeal. I thought it suited Annetelope best.
Firehorse Rearwin: Where was the first place that you hung out on SL?
Annetelope Pawpaw: Well I explored a lot but the first place I kept returning to was a bar called Thunder Roadhouse, a little biker bar which I thought was so cool. Not long after me and my partner built our own version incidently that is where I met three of my closest friends in sl who I am still close to now over a year on.
Firehorse Rearwin: 70% of your time on SL is used for?
Annetelope Pawpaw: Goodood question lol but one that I can't answer, truthfully it depends. I can go weeks without building or creating, just wanting to spend time with my friends hanging out and chatting catching up on rl issues, and other times I can go into a building frenzy where I spend a good few days doing that and not communicating much at all.
Firehorse Rearwin: What is the best thing you ever built? Did you sell it and do you have a pic? Annetelope Pawpaw: The best thing I ever built is friendships:)...but people aside I'd have to say my bar Hog Heaven because it has brought about so many meaningful relationships....we built it out of love and believe me it sure has had its share of romances sl and rl lol and no I would never sell it and yeah I have a zillion pics of it lol
Firehorse Rearwin: What has been your most embarassing experience on SL so far?
Annetelope Pawpaw: I haven't really had any embarassing incidents on sl I can't think of any, ohh yes I can! lmao I was shopping for furniture with my partner in a crowded shopping mall when this guy, whoever he was, used the head f*ck animation and was stuck to my head grinding into my face. I couldnt get him off! It was comical but embarassing at the same time, my partner was angry as hell !lol
Firehorse Rearwin: Are you happy with your avatar or is there something (perhaps that isn't possible) that you'd like to add/change?
Annetelope Pawpaw: As time wore on my avitars looks became much less important to me, I really don't dress her up half as much as I used to. I can go a week without changing her clothes lol. So no, there is nothing I would like to change about my av, in fact it would upset me more if I did change her.
Firehorse Rearwin: What is the most you ever paid for an item in Sl and what was it?
Annetelope Pawpaw: The most I paid was L$12000 for a sexgen bed lol! Well actually me and my partner went halves so L$6000 to be accurate. Money well spent lol.
Firehores Rearwin: What is the worst thing about being a club owner?
Annetelope Pawpaw: mmmmm there are a few things that are a crap about owning a club well for me anyway.
Firehorse Rearwin: Such as?
Annetelope Pawpaw: One is when people find out you own a club they treat you differently, not everyone does this of course, but the majority do. Its a classic case of rl carrying over into sl. Everyone wants to be associated with you because you own a bar so it can be quite hectic if we have a bar full of people and they all want to speak to you and they do this in IM. I can have up to ten IM's going at once at times and that is impossible to deal with without getting stressed. When that happens I leave or log out - its just not worth it. Luckily for me it doesn't happen often as I dont put myself in the firing line like I used to and I dont encourage to many people into the bar anymore. We have a great crowd of regulars who I call friends who I like to spend my time with instead.Annetelope Pawpaw: This is something I never thought would happen lol, when everything is going well and people are happy lifes great but when things go wrong its normally the owners that people turn to. I have had a few fallings out with people over problems that were not mine to start with I guess I kinda get treated like a mother figure lol
Firehorse Rearwin: and the best thing?
Annetelope Pawpaw: That's easy:) being able to log on sl at anytime night and day and knowing that sooner or later one of your friends is going to turn up at the bar. You're never lonely, well most of the time your not lol. It's nice to have a base that people can meet especially the people who don't own land of their own. I have a few friends who call Hog Heaven "home", even the ones that do have their own homes ,bars, clubs lol they still seem to drift back to Hog Heaven at some time or other .....that's what I love about Hog Heaven most - the people:)Firehorse Rearwin: .If you could sum up your SL in one sentence what would it be ?
Annetelope Pawpaw: Sl gives you wings lol:)
Annetelope Pawpaw: ok lol Sl can give you a lot more than you bargained for - it can change your life.
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