Monday, June 9, 2008

Breezes Thoughts

You know what is so wonderful about SecondLife to me?
Well sometimes things go the wrong way, you say the wrong thing, people take it maybe in a way you wish they did not. You try to fix it, if you are fortunate to have made great friend you will overcome.
I make many friends, I try to help them and they most certainly help me. This is what I hope you all try to do.
It is hard to know in SL as in RL who to trust.
I have met many a troubled folk in my journey of this life . The stories I have heard can break your heart.
I try to give the best advice I know how. I try to even take my own advice. ha Yes, It even makes me help myself.
Reach out and listen , learn to know to the best of your ability. There are so many fantastic people in this life.
Don't judge them by the appearance; a dragon may become your best friend. I have dragons, furrys, fairies, poet, king, Queens, dj's and nekos, even a few humans, hahah, in my life. oh what a wonderful life this is.
From mansions and palaces to humble abodes, from caves in mountain ranges to under sea lairs, a skybox in the clouds to teepees and desert dwellings, from castles in the sky; some atop the highest mountains, big yachts, sampans to beach dwellings a paradise for sure can be found.
From rags to riches is all around.
Healthful remedies from lands beyonds in our hands and minds all can be found.
I guess i have probably left things out I just want you to have a great time .
Live Love and Learn is a motto I have read in many a profile It is the best advice .
Enjoy my friends
from Bree.
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