A gal can just watch so much Television, read a book, it is time to roam.
Up up and away I go.
Lets discover a Farm. ah do I look like a farm gal? Nah, but what the heck, grab a hoe and scuffle the dirt. Who knows what might be turned over.
Mmm spys a little shiny in the ground. wazoo a gem, fools gold. Blast, I need the real thing. there must be a nugget for Bree in here somewhere.
Buzz Buzz, dratted bees a buzzing around me.
Dare they sting me? Better not. I swat them dead as a doornail. You ever have seen a dead doornail? Me neither niether. Oh so silly I am today.

Hey you. sitting on this rock!
This is my territory. Get thee begone. Pearls and oyster shells are mine, ALL mine doth thou hear???
Better hear lest I give you Bree's special version of skedattle baby!
Searching for some treasure, it is so hard to find. Now, here you see Bree thinks her treasure is at the bottom of this Wishing Well.
Nooo, some shiny pennies, some fairy dust is all I found. sighs.

so I wander and follow the path of my lifes dream, til I find a cavern , entering I see a wonderous site, greenery amongs the cold grainite walls fill my heart and on a lighter note, discover a can of coca cola waiting for me.
hahah oh wonder who loves coca cola more than me?
Read this paper and you will see Bree has discovered her treasure right here on Secondlife. enjoy my friends to your hearts delight, tis within your reach.