Breezes Babii: Kouse I am pleased to have become acquainted with the fine gowns you design, Will you tell us how you got started in SecondLife?
Kouse Singh: I saw a piece about it on the news actually, on CBC, looked fun so figured I'd give it a try.
Breezes Babii: Do you find the Designing and your shop fulfilling?
Kouse Singh: Oh yes, it's a great outlet for me creatively.
BB: Well I thoroughly enjoy the compliments I receive from your gowns. Did you build your own shop?
KS: I built the shop on SeaBreeze Oasis. Two of my best friends, Serenity Sieyes and Malakh Giles, collaboratively built the location on Avilion Vale.
BB: That is such an accomplishment. Tell me how do you come upon the ideas for your designs?
KS: Well sometimes, I look at paintings and photos of historical gowns and base my designs off those. However most of the time I just create them freeform from my imagination.
BB: Imagination is truly a gift and we all benefit from your lovely work. The group you have created and giving us a buy 1 get one free is remarkable. Do you travel and seek the materials for your gowns?

BB: In RL do you design? I wonder when did you begin to know you wanted to be a Designer?
KS: Yes, I make a fair amount of my own clothing when it comes to dresses, items like shirts, pants et cetera i just buy though.
BB: How long have you been a designer Kouse?
KS: Oh ever since I could hold a pencil I've been sketching, most often ball gowns, Disney movies affected my sketches for a long time, In SL, since about July of last year, and in RL, been making dresses off and on for about 6 years.
BB: I imagine your dream of dancing and prancing around in these works of yours. Is there anything you can recommend for a new designer to begin an experience in designing.
KS: I'd say to anyone who wants to design, make sure you put your heart into it. It's more important that what you do is to the best of your ability, and that it have soul, then to just be another item of clothing to be cranked out and thrust into the marketplace.
BB: You certainly have done that very thing. Such lovely ladies I see flock to this store and we love you. Thank you so much for the opportunity to talk with you.
Kouse has a wide range of gowns for the aPetite figure that is delightful she has lovely shoes and hair also I invite you all to come and drape yourself in luxury.
By Breezes Babii