Monday, August 4, 2008

Breezes thoughts Leaves and Seas

The wind is blowing and the leaves are rustling
The springs are flowing and the mind is dreaming
Doth Lady Bree know from hence she drifts?
Across the seas, the waves do carry forth
A land awaits her, the time is far away.
Let not the sands carry her from where she wishes to go.
Her love of adventure may never evolve
The mind is searching for ways to part the clouds,
willing to speed her to the land she most desires.
What lies ahead, the future is yet to reveal
I live in a land of dreams, what else is there?
Whether your dreams come true or not, is it not wonderful to have a dream in your life? To me it is and I hope those who read this have one too.
Bree XXX
I am always searching for something.
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