Saturday, August 2, 2008

Well its news to me! - Once bitten twice shy?

A good place to learn stuff while on SL is a place called Help Island. I was there and had a bad experience because I didn't ask questions, I hope by telling you about it you can learn from my mistakes:
I was at Help Island walking around and learning and exploring, when a girl walked up me and asked if she could bite me and that she needed to bite 25 people before she could get a badge.
I asked her if anything would happen to my avatar and she said no, nothing at all, so I let her bite me.
It appeared that nothing was wrong.
Then I talked to someone, who I knew, who happened to be a healer. She healed me and it took about 15 minutes. So my health was lowered by letting her bite me? I was told I would vanish had I not been healed.
Not good:(
When going to help island and if you have questions always ask someone who is a mentor, or ask questions from someone you might know in SL who has been here awhile, and if you're uncertain about anything then use your good judgement and don't let them do something to you.
Some people just might tell you something that isn't quite true, like your avatar being hurt.
Your avatar can never be hurt.
There is no health or death to an avatar unless you're in a role playing battle sim and even then as soon as you go to a different sim the health is reset.
I'm still a newbie myself and learning, I hope I can help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls and decoys in SL for us newbies.
Remember to always have fun here on SL
Glitter Xeltentat
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