Friday, September 19, 2008

BBC goes Icelandic Music in November 2008

Icelandic Radio Presenter Invades the BBC
Icelandic radio presenter Ólafur Páll Gunnarsson, aka Óli Palli, who is known for his music programs Poppland & Rokkland on national broadcasting service RÚV’s Rás 2, will moderate programs on Icelandic music on a Liverpool radio station operated by the BBC in November.
I am supposed to serve as an Icelandic ambassador”, Gunnarsson told Fréttabladid.
The project is part of a culture festival in relation to Liverpool being the European Capital of Culture in 2008.
Icelandic artists and musicians will be a prominent feature in Liverpool this fall. Three visual artists will open exhibitions there, the Langholtskirkja Church Choir will perform and shortly before Christmas, an Icelandic/Faroese Christmas concert will be held.
Poppland @
Rokkland @
Source: Iceland Review
Source of O.P.G. Photograph
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