Monday, September 29, 2008

Can You Get High Off Of Blue Pill Az020


They returned the Dropkick Murphys, fancy abbreviations in Tarm.
What if you just hear the acronym you look like a product to clean the wood, but if you say "I listen to the Tarm," does more than cool, although probably 90% of healthy people will not understand what you mean (probably same 90% who would not understand even if I said "I listen to Dropkick Murphys," but that's another story). The
new piece is a literary masterpiece, as usual, the text is as follows:

"And around the world, around the world"

repeated 63 times.
For the series, and we do know how to irritate you.

But it is not the primary objective of this post extol the rich vocabulary of good musicians of Pordenone, in fact.
Listening to the new single on Brand New I reappeared immediately to mind an anecdote about my period "tardoadolescenziale" tied to a concert many years ago.
At the time I was barely high school, recently patented, and I remember that night they played the Tarm, not well defined in a location not far away.
Anyone who knows me, knows that, especially at that time, I was absolutely unable to handle any relationship with the girls. And if that girl named Valentina, and my friends know who Valerie was ... Well, a mess. That night, Valerie was at the concert. She hated the Tarm. Valerie went to the concert because it was the kind she liked: I had said, challenge, because he knew what I felt for her, although I continues with impunity to propose me as a friend of the heart.
I was heartbroken, but Laura had rekindled some hope in me to pass the time. Laura had a friend who saw and felt little Laura was pretty svarioncella alternative to the right place, but especially Laura had an affair with this mysterious boy Valerie wanted to win at all costs to the concert. Moreover, to make the picture even more clearly, between me and Laura had been something, a couple of times. Let's be clear: we had never kissed, never touched, and so on ... But we had gone so well, there was chemistry, you know not?
However, that night I went to a concert with Laura. It was the height of her beauty very special, very punk, but at the same time water and soap. The idea of \u200b\u200bboth was to make him jealous of our love for each other tardoadolescenziali, which saw us together at the concert would surely noticed how much we loved him and wanted to e.

It was not the case. A few things went wrong.
The first: I "fell in love" hopelessly Laura. I know, who knows me knows that my "madly in love" at the time did not mean much. But I was in love with this whole plan, of how she was jumping while listening to music by putting an arm around his neck, and so on. I had also given a kiss on the mouth, in the euphoria of the thing, and I had forgotten for a moment Valentina. Fuck it, I said to myself. Laura is infinitely better, and I want to.
The second: the guy who liked to Valentina, we might call bullobello, Valentina had not calculated it for a second. He had been leaning against the wall all the time, watching the kids dance with adult eyes. It was much more tardoadolescenti big for us, and you could see a mile away that we could do infinitely more. Valentina, then, after the first four songs, was gone with a third individual are not clearly identified, I then discovered that months after he became her boyfriend. The third
: Laura, however, was perfectly successful in its plan. While I greeted some friends, she had begun to talk tough and then making out with bullobello: I was greeted and told that he would be at her home. I had kissed her cheek, whispering in his ear: "Thank Cico, you are unique." She was gone taking away yet another piece of me just as I Tarm ended the concert with "eyes down", a of their most famous pieces. The fourth
I was left alone, I decided to berm a couple of beers and go home. Months later, I later discovered that the concert was a girl, smaller and they do not carry the name for reasons too numerous to explain, who was in love with me and that I had "followed" all evening. Of course I had not noticed anything, and she was too shy to come forward. Would have told me then months later, precisely in front of a coffee in a rainy day. But that's another story.

At the time I did not know all or most of my love affairs in the future would not have been more than a much more messy than that.

E around the world and around the world!
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