I have a special place I go every year where I can look south and see the empty space where the towers stood. And I went there this morning. People who stood there that day seeing the black smoke have placed a touching memorial at that spot and it is a good place to sit and meditate.
I was happy to find so many places in second life that recall the event and where I could spend more time in respect to those who died and those who still mourn them. Last year I visited the World Trade Center sim which commemorates all those from the 90 countries who died in the air and on the ground. There is walkway which edges a large pool bordered on one side by black walls, that seem to weep tears ,on which are etched the names of all the innocent fallen.. I f you know someone who perished you an fly up and find them on the wall. I found two. One can rezz a memorial plant or flower to place at the base of the walls and they will remain for 24 hours. At the entrance are several walls of photos of those who lost their lives that day and the days following.

My visit to Cetus for the poetry reading rounded out the day . Any1 Goynoid was hosting the event in the Cetus Community Center. The main poet was Larkworthy Antfarm who read poems that she wrote during the years following the tragic day. They were lovely and very touching, painting images with words. “City breathing Fire” was one that filled my soul with remembrance. Explorer Dastardly followed with journal writing she did and Ana Herzog added her poems to the event . The audience was very appreciative of all that was spoken so eloquently .
After that I was able to locate the Firemen’s wall that was dedicated in the morning at the World Trade Center.

My final stop of the night was a short visit to Remembrance Island for a concert by our friend from the Peace Revolution, Louis Landon (Louis Volare). His inspiring original music added to the recollections of a day well spent in sl.
Much credit should be given to those who worked hard to provide these sites for us. Hope McAlpine and her committee are to be congratulated as well as all those who contributed time and effort to make this sl day special for all those who visited the sites and events and made donations to the funds for the survivors.
It was a day in sl that made me feel satisfied that my time here is not wasted but enhanced by my second life.
Gemma Cleanslate