Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reader submission - DAY AT WORK

by Jacek Shuftan
I remember the first good days in SL when I was starting my in-world adventure. Having a lot of free time I used to IM my friends running their businesses and was surprised when they ignored my invitations at the party etc. Time passed and now I understand them. This short article is dedicated to all newcomers to virtual world.
Situation is typical.
Normal day at work in SL, fourth coffee drunk, cigarettes are going to finish, soon I am trying to communicate with a rich-looking Spanish lady in my shop which is not easy as she doesn't speak English and the babbler doesn't work correctly. With the help of dictionary and by similarity to English I am guessing what she really wants.
I have 10 IM conversations at the same time.
- Talking with my scripter as the product we have launched recently doesn’t always work and we are trying to find out whats is wrong

- Exchanging all the vulgar words with one mall owner who obviously wants to cheat me
- A couple bought my product in a box and doesn’t know how to take it out. They are just writing that if I do not come immediately they will report me to the Lindens.
- My girlfriend says that she will not stand it any longer and if I do not invite her at the party at once – its all over between us.
As I said –a typical day.
And here he comes!
Excalibur Chamonicis ( I wonder why they always have such sophisticated names)
- He starts:
 Yo, bro!After a few minutes I find a second to answer
 Hello, I am really busy now. If its something really urgent - go on, but we will talk later, ok?
 Nothing special. It’s my first day in SL. What u doin?
Having a free moment I go on:
- Not now, later pls
 Man. Don't be so bossy! How can I use a freebie penis? Just got it.
 Inventory, wear.
 What's the inventory?
 Email me tomorrow, I will help, but not now, please.
Meanwhile the Spanish lady writes me six digit numbers and I don't know what she means
– maybe its my life deal?.
- Mall owner promises me ban at his land and sudden death.
- Girlfriend informs that she has just got an offer of virtual sex from my friend and if I do not come she will accept it....
 I attached it! - Excalibur shouts – Wanna see? Big fun!
- I receive one TP invitation and ignore it not even having e time to say once more that I am busy.
 Men! Why aren’t you coming? You must see it!
- Next TP – “Sex orgy rooms for all” Ignored again.
That moment my girlfriend visits me in the shop and sees the Spanish girls who talks to me and shows me her new skin ( Does she sell skins?) She got naked so that I could see all the beauty of that work. (It's not bad indeed )
My girlfriend looks at me with big eyes and listens to my excuses that its only business, nothing personal. When the Spanish one slowly puts her clothes on I finally manage to persuade my clients to come to the shop so that I could show how to open the box.
Little nervous they are standing by half naked beauty and my girl.
And at that moment...
 Bro! Wait – I will visit you!
Noooooooo! - I scream waking up my RL neighbours.
But it’s too late.
He lands in the center of our group, naked, with a penis happily attached and a gun in his hands. He shoots to all of us.
 Will kill you all, bastards!!!! hahahaha!
The Spanish girl escapes without hesitations, clients hide in the corners and say that they absolutely want refunds but will not discuss that in such conditions, my girlfriend leaves and removes me from her Friends List.
We are alone in the shop with Excalibur.
 Man! This game is cool! U seen how I killed them?
I sit on the floor and say:

- Yes..... SL is a great game......
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