Monday, September 8, 2008


(You can always log into SL Newspaper to stay updated)
1) The last time you went to a movie theater in RL, you saw “Jaws”.
2) You are paying someone to go to work in RL in your place. You have instructed that person to tell your boss not to worry, because he/she is really your alt.
3) When it snows in SL you wear a sweater even if you are in the Bahamas.
4) You lost your keyboard. You found it underneath three empty pizza boxes, smudged with ketchup and ice cream. Keys are glued together with Coca Cola .
5) You finally got up and went to the Gym. It had moved six months ago.
6) The hand you use to drag the mouse looks like a claw.
7) The dog –or cat- has decided to sleep in your bed, since you are hardly ever there.
8)Your friends –that hate games on line- have logged into SL just to send you IM’s to make you answer the phone.
19) The only bill you never forget to pay is the broadband connection.
10) When you change your clothes you go to the closet and look for the menu to click “Replace outfit”.
11)You fall asleep on your desk. You wake up, go to the bathroom, and look at yourself in the mirror: the letters from your keyboard have transferred to your forehead. You can read “QWERTYUIOP” backwards.
12) You were invited to a RL black tie party. You showed up in your pajamas, wearing football socks, your headphones, a can of beer in one hand and a wireless mouse in the other. “Hey, gang! –you said-. Where do I click?”
So… if this, or something like this is the case… take a couple of days off. Go out there. Walk in the rain. Get wet. Get your finger caught in a door. Take the trouble of going somewhere without taking a TP. Stop and smell the roses. Feel the palpable beat resulting from the injection of RL into your veins.And hurry back here. It’s always good to check for yourself that “out there” still sucks. ROFL.
Covadonga Writer
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