Monday, November 10, 2008

Breast Cancer support group in SL

This week I went to the Support group to hear Lady Kay Gable talk about her survival of 2 bouts of breast Cancer. I want all who read this to realize what a battle of fighting cancer is and that it can be done and we all support every cancer there is. What an awesome group the American Cancer society is.
Visit American Cancer Society (136, 182, 48)

'For several years, the American Cancer Society has existed in Second Life through its volunteers, Relay For Life event, and an island that served as a central meeting place for volunteers and avatars, of those who are affected by cancer.
The new Island features a 4-story, two-tiered office building that is dedicated to Relay For Life volunteers, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer volunteers, Island Greeter volunteers, and an Information Library.

American Cancer Society pamphlets and brochures provide information related to cancer prevention, treatment options, support and information and is available in the Information Library, as well as informative videos about the history of the American Cancer Society, cancer information, patient support programs, and Relay For Life information.'

I want to say to you fighting cancer should not be done alone and for any of you that have been touched by this terrible disease you should know the support is there. Thank you Lady Kay for sharing your inspirational story with us.
Breezes Babii
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