Sunday, November 9, 2008

Japanese & Belgian PR for Iceland(ic music)

そしてここで(また)会ったのが、「I love Icelandic Music」という怒濤の英語ブログを書いているデンマークのWim。何年か前から、何だか会場でよく顔を見ていて、今年に入ってMySpace経由でやっとつながったという人。
It was especially great to meet Wim of "I love Icelandic Music" blog at Kimi rehearsal room, although we have seen each other quite a few times in the past including past year Airwaves. I admire and respect your enthusiasm as well as your diligent effort to introduce Icelandic music of old and new.
I am not the only one promoting Icelandic music on the internet & in his/her home country.
@ the Kimi Records headquarters in Reykjavik, I met in real life the Japanese lady Yuka Ogura, who is running the Alljos Entertainment Co., Ltd & ICELANDia blog:
@ the moment she's putting nice Airwaves '08 stuff and more online.
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