Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I swear to God the last thing I was looking for when I joined SL, was a boyfriend. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know what I was looking for. But, wandering around, looking for places to hang out, I ended up at a fancy place, kind of old style, very formal, great music.
A guy approached me. I don’t exactly remember what he said, but he asked me to dance. And I said yes. I had been in SL for three months only. We were perfect strangers in the SL starry night.
I suddenly felt SL was great for romance.
I hardly remember what we said, but those must have been the right words, because the next day he asked me out, and we went back to that wonderful place that was called the Seabreeze.
We like to dance like crazy to all kinds of music, but, not being teenagers… sometimes we really need to dance to soft songs in some elegant place, wearing a tux, and a gown that flows along with the music, swaying to the tunes that carry you away to fantasy land. And we went there often. It was delightful. That was were we first kissed. (As so many other couples.) It was like being stars in an old movie. It also felt like like we were ordinary people that got mixed with wonderful fictional characters from all sorts of magic stories. Those two… maybe they are spies. That lonely guy at the bar… maybe he was waiting for his Ilsa, like Bogey. And that couple saying sweet things to each other, out loud… It was magic.
But… a few months ago… the Seabreeze closed. For good. Off the grid. And the lovely owner also vanished from SL. We were used to her voice. We felt welcomed. We loved her. The Seabreeze was “our place”.
And we have been looking for a new place that could become “our place” again, ever since.
We have a few clubs that are so much fun, and I will be writing about them soon. But that special place… the one we miss when we are in the mood for a romantic evening, with great songs from all times, a timeless elegant place for lovers… That we hadn’t found.
Until a while ago.
The “Midnight Romance” filled in the hole the Seabreeze left.
Amazing, huge ballroom. The floor reflects the crystal chandeliers. The white piano shines on the stage. Retro style. Elegant. Fancy. The owners, Ted Rousselot and Angie Dailey, are such warm and enchanting couple… they make you feel like they have been your friends for ever.
The place is great, the mood is right, people are nice, and we have found a new place to call “our place”. A new place to believe for a while we are Bogie and Bergman. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. Or whoever makes you dream. Or just yourselves.
If you are in love, you must take your sweetheart and dance in this dreamy Club.
If you have a date… someone you just met and want to get to know better… can’t think of a better place.
If you are alone… Great place to meet people.
I can tell you from my own experience: it turned out so right… for strangers in the night.
Covadonga Writer
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