It 's been a while, I wonder why I have not posted anything. It is not an obligation, I know, but those things are useless necessary, as they say in the wine cellar, then voilat, a word about the event, fouled-effect fog of my memory ever so striking.

Concerto: in the end I went alone. Offi not take it, I was about to be overwhelmed by fatigue, but I resisted. Nothing Blake / e / e / e : shoulder canceled ( sin). Public dense and warm. They, the headliner, they are always good and exciting, Will Sheff is a combination of charisma, passion and beautiful simplicity. News by his side a lead guitarist (and multi-instrumentalist : it is also a banjo, slide guitar and banjo like a small guitar ) sheathed in dark suits "to grab" diligent and very concentrated in its performance on six strings. Maybe a little too precise to be honest: it does the contrary, does exactly the notes that are required in a mechanical way, formally impeccable but little understood. So it happens that the low volume of acoustics Sheff is not adequately compensated by an increased contribution from electric part of her, by an adaptation to the context, in other words. But maybe I'm asking too much. In any case it is a nit, which comes from the fantastic memory of the previous concert, because the show still ranks way fun and relaxing as I hoped and as okkervilli can do. "The stand ins is represented by ( fortunately) a few pieces, the rest is a wonderful mix of the previous albums. "For real " she is always, fantastic, the best.
End concert duff was equipped with blue shirt and faded okkervillesca migrates to the bed with a smile.
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