Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Calendar Björk @ Nordic House, Reykjavík 23. December - Review by Manny Santiago

Photograph was published in Morgunblaðið Newspaper.

Review by Manny Santiago of Björk's performance @ Christmas Calendar Event @ Norræna Húsið/Nordic House, Reykjavík :
She did a set of about 20 minutes and played 4 Icelandic Christmas songs. A short introduction was made by a member of the Nordic House's staff and they asked that no one take pictures. Björk, wearing a red dress, pink leggings, and brown boots with long black hair came out with Jónas on piano and started with a very short song called "Það Á Að Gefa Börnum Brauð.." a song by Kolbeinn Þorsteinsson written in 1760. She then performed an incredibly beautiful version of "Gilsbakkaþula". It's an extremely long song, made longer by the fact that each line of the song (of which there are LOTS of lines) was repeated at least twice. Before beginning, though, she had 3 Christmas toys out with her and some sheets of paper. As this was a long song, she wanted to get some audience participation. When she held up one toy, she wanted only the women to sing along, when she held another toy up the men would sing, and when she held the small sleigh up, only the kids could sing. Then on the papers, she had written down a month of the year on each and only those born in said month could sing. It was quite cute and people did indeed sing along. The song finished to a great applause and Björk gave the toys to three cute children sitting in front of her. She then sang a more well known Icelandic Christmas song called "Jólasveinar Ganga Um Gólf". Again, people sang along and it was quite a quick song.. sang very well, though. She finished with a normal length song called "Jólasveinavísur", a song about all 13 of the Icelandic Santa Clauses (Yule Lads) with a description of each. She finished to a nice applause, a big smile, and that was it.
Thank You Jenifer Edgar!
A sneaky photo by Hörður.

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