Why the church bells in my brain should start ringing at the very moment a new face should arrive at the bar we will never know. Providential, I tell you. Jesss and I introduced ourselves and chatted amicably while scrutinizing the others' profiles.
“Ah,” I said. “I see you have discovered the more (ahem) erotic side of SL.” All the while I was wondering how Santa knew to stick a bad girl in my stocking.
“Oh that,” she replied. “I really should clean up my profile. No place really to put the past.”
Slipping immediately into my Value-Added Avatar role, I plied her with question after question about then, now, and tomorrow. She was an amazingly beautiful and poised woman – quite confident and candid about her enjoyment of the intimacies available inworld, and to what extent she availed herself thereupon and therein. Her story was rich, respectful, and intriguing. So much so I found myself sharing confidences I would have never divulged to anyone else. Her “past” had made it so, and did not deserve to be lost.
Thus I shall be preparing my New Year Proposal to Linden Labs to add the Past Life Tab to our profiles as soon as possible. And certainly as the dawn of 2009 approaches, I resolve to jolly well have a fascinating one!
So, on that note, for a good time call Mags....