1. February 2009
7:00 pm James Yorkston can best be described as a modern day Nick Drake. Just as fragile and intimate as the great man himself. At the time, an impressive opener to Ray Lamontagne in the AB. Or as the monthly Plan B magazine says: "Music rarely gets more beautiful, comforting or truthful as this". In the meantime his fourth album 'When The Haar Rolls In' has been released. His previous ones were skillfully produced by the likes of Four Tet, Rusty Man (see: Beth 'Portishead' Gibbons) and also Simon 'Cocteau Twins' Raymonde. You are strongly urged to discover him!
8:00 pm Lay Low is the alter-ego of Lovísa Elísabet Sigrúnardóttir and sounds exceptionally credible as Icelandic blues songstress... Or like fellow countryman Mugison who also knows how to get his teeth into blues and country. Her most recent album 'Farewell Good Night's Sleep' was produced by Liam Watson (see: White Stripes and Supergrass).
9:00 pm Icelandic resident of England, Emiliana Torrini has stolen our heart with her Rough Trade debut 'Fisherman's Woman'. Apparently not only our hearts either. A while ago she won 3 awards in Iceland for 'Female Singer of the Year', 'Pop Album of the Year' and 'Video of the Year' (that extremely cute clip for her single 'Sunny Road'). Her whispered, intimate songs also charm you live. Just remember her remarkable visits to Domino a few of years back (including funny patter between songs) and also her show in – an in no time sold-out - ABclub this fall.
She already debuted in '99 with the trip-hoppy 'Love In The Time Of Science' (with Tears For Fears-man Roland Orzabal behind the dials). These days her world leans more toward Nick Drake or Feist than say Portishead. Also worth mentioning: Torrini wrote 'Gollum's Song' – at the request of director Peter Jackson himself, for Lord Of The Rings -, could already be heard in the series 'Grey's Anatomy', wrote for (and toured with) Thievery Corporation, and provided Kylie Minogue with a number-one hit actually, by writing 'Slow' for her. Her latest album 'Me And Armini' has received rave reviews everywhere. Third time lucky? Indeed, as her show in February is also her third visit to AB.