Saturday, January 17, 2009

Woodlin Restored

The Dreamer’s Cove sim is back to normal, at least in appearance. But the rumors may take longer to deal with.

The attack had been launched Friday night. Someone had hacked Dax Loon’s account, made an announcement the “Playtime” group was ending, then ejected everyone from it and began deleting everything in the sim. Friends could not find her on their lists: the hacker had erased them from hers. The officers online at the time couldn’t stop the hacker as they found themselves banned from the sim. The hacker also made grossly obscene insults in conference chats in every group Dax was in. One friend called it the worst assault he had heard of in Second Life.

Fortunately for Dax, her friends in those groups worked to spread the word this was not her. Chase Vesperia told me, “just be glad Mako (Minogue) was on SL, else Dax's username might be under permeant suspension right now. Hacked accounts are usually placed on all out suspension till ownership’s determined, which since Dax is in Japan would take two months or so on average.” The hacker had intended to destroy her reputation and the community she had built.

Staticminded Waco sent a request to Linden Labs for a “rollback” to restore Dreamer's Cove to the way it was. It was granted a few hours later. One friend of mine outside the group I talked to on the matter, Foxyfurman Kumaki, commented to me that no matter what people might say about the Lindens, when it comes to technical matters, they stood superb. People logged in to find the sim restored, even the items that had been compressed into “balls” and thrown in their Lost & Found were back in place.

Dax Loon eventually came back on Saturday evening, badly shaken by what had happened. That this kind of profanity was linked to her was a lot to bear. She later had to go to a clinic. By this time, only a fraction of the “Playtime” group had rejoined. It was opinionated that whoever did this deserved far more than a simple banning, but there were grounds for a lawsuit.

Woodlin is back, but the cleanup continues.

Bixyl Shuftan
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