Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Stop Baby Making Clinic

I never thought Second Life could get as close to reality as I have been discovering. Who could have thought that there would be a baby making clinic? Just like you heard it, a baby making clinic! The genius behind this idea is Jeff Demar, creator of the Bouncy Bundles Maternity.

Getting pregnant in SL is now a wish come true to those who have wanted to experience real life experiences in SL. Bouncy Bundles Maternity is a one stop clinic and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Jeff Demar and his staff offer everything a real life maternity clinic can offer. They offer pregnancy tests, pregnancy bellies, baby toys, and even delivery rooms, where you can deliver your baby even if there are no staff members online.

If it’s your wish not to look pregnant or go through a pregnancy you can always go to their Creation Stations and create your own baby. The Bouncy Bundles Maternity offers 4 main variations of babies to choose from: Economy, Deluxe, Low Prims and Crawlers. The difference between the variations are the prices, the Economy baby is the most affordable one. The prices range between $2500L and $6000L, they are very well-equipped and can interact with the parents and people around them just like a real life child would do.

“All of my babies come with several poses for interacting. They sit, stand crawl, walk and can grow up to 3 years,” said Demar.

The Bouncy Bundles Maternity babies go through a regular growth and as Demar stated, their maximum growth is at the age of three. The babies change as they grow, their faces change and grow teeth at 6 months old. The babies go through six stages: newborn, 3 months old, 6 months old, 1 year old, 2 years old and 3 years old. Parents decide how long it will take the babies to reach their maximum age.

“I did not place a timer into them because each parents’ role-play is different,” said Demar.

You can choose the amount of babies you want, twins, triplets, quadruplets or as many as you wish. Parents can create a “normal” baby, gorean, goth, neko, or vamps, which are born with baby fangs that grow as the baby grows.

“You can rez a baby and select from a multi-menu system. You pick the options for the baby and when you’re finished, you make your purchase,” stated Demar.

If you choose to go through a regular pregnancy, you can decide the time you want to be pregnant and the delivery date. All you have to do is go to the Pregnancy Section where they offer the “tummies” and information needed. There you can also purchase an ultrasound appointment and can get your free “pregnant shape”. The delivery facilities are found in the third floor where you can go to when it’s time for your baby to come into the beautiful SL world.

Jeff Demar has been in business for over 2 years and has delivered many babies. His staff is very well prepared and will guide and answer any questions you might have. Visit the Bouncy Bundles Maternity and enjoy your new baby.

By Lizzy Arriaga

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