Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Want To Get Somewhere Fast? Make A Teleporter Box!

While I was building on my island in Second Life I realized that I could build a skybox way up to 4000 meters above the ground. I was so excited and put on my flight feather, which is an attachement that allows you to fly up that high. I built my skybox, all glass, and I set my environment lighting to midnight. I set out a rug and put a music pod on the wall that played all classical music. It was so incredibly relaxing that I almost fell asleep. The stars were bright and I could see the moon so well. Afterwards I clicked on my map and teleported back home, down to the castle below. Unfortunately I had no way of getting back up to the skybox unless I flew again, which took entirely too long.
I had set a landmark there and renamed it my skybox, but for some reason I couldn't teleport there. Maybe my land setting was a blocked teleport setting, or maybe I had it set to a landing point, but no matter what it was set at, I could not teleport there at all. I didn't want to fly back up, so a friend suggested that I rezz a box and put in the parameters that I needed to get to. That is exactly what I did. I went into the build mode and rezzed a normal, plain box. I went into the edit mode and to the object tab. I set the parameters for the X, Y, and Z coordinates to the same ones my landmark for my skybox had been set to. The box disappeared. My friend suggested that I sit on the box first, and it turns out he was a smart friend. Less than a second after I put in the Z coordinate I was sitting in my skybox along side the other box that I had rezzed earlier. I was amazed that I could get anywhere by just sitting on a box and editing the coordinates to the right parameter setting for the place I wanted to be. Now all I needed was to make the box a little more attractive and I had my own vehicle of transportation! A pink cushion of velvet sounds great!
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