Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ensími @ Manstu ekki eftir mér? # 1 @ NASA 11. June

Manstu ekki eftir mér? @ Nasa on Saturday 11. June with the band Ensími.
They are going to play their Album "Kafbátamúsik" entirely. Debut album was released in 1998 on the Dennis Label. Two other albums were released later on: "BMX" recorded with Steve Albini (1999) & "Ensími" with songs in English from 2002. This concert is a collaboration between Reykjavík Grapevine & Rafskinna.
Band members are now playing with bands like Dr. Spock & Bang Gang.
Ticket Sales start @ 12:00 20. May on Midi http://midi.is
Price: 1500 IKR
Support Act: Dikta
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