Sunday, May 10, 2009

Homemade Wooden Electronics

the country is real war correspondent

I went to the movies by myself last night. Every so often I do, I also wrote in a post not long ago.
Not far from me was a group of girls will have had more than 14 years. There were four if I remember right, maybe five, dressed Bra too elegant for an evening of pizza and movies, ugly make-up and the signs of adolescence.
One of them, the one sitting closest to me, crying. Cry out loud, without hiccups, however, did not stop the tears. The other laughed instead. They were laughing and texting. The ugliest of them, baggy T-shirt into a super tight that its increased emphasis on the obesity that one day (not far) will surely give the many problems laughing, spitting pieces of popcorn and sweating profusely. Meanwhile, their supposed friend, crying.
Throughout the film, an adventure also quite nice of the most famous of the X-Men (I needed a dose of trash cinema, do not judge me, and then the kid in me loves comics, who knows me knows), I think she has not watched even one frame. Every now and then watching the phone, inside the bag, the rest his eyes were fixed on the floor.

I am a pretty cynical person: usually if I see a girl of fourteen, Not good for the most part, who cries and despairs for (probably) a love that never started, I did not get moved much. Surely the boy to whom she was convinced that his life ended that day, was at home laughing and joking with friends, laugh at her for sure.
What got me thinking and behavior of friends no longer apply: she's crying, to cinema, by your side, and what do you do? Laugh and shooting crap repeatedly, not least cagandola? In my day there was a form of power that much envied: a power capable of defeating any pain, able to raise the dead and cut universes. This power was the female solidarity. My classmates from high school, when the pack was in trouble, abolishing any program, would close in a house with clinex and ice cream, and did not leave until the unfortunate had shouted to the world his contempt for the male gender, even promising to become a lesbian.

This scares me closer to my generation. That jealousy has become stronger solidarity. Probably the obese friend of the girl was crying happy inside any evil ailed her friend. Why this made it less heavy on his sense of futility.

Soundtrack of the month of May: Dent (pictured), System Of A Down, The country is real Afterhours.
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