Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr. Spock, Króna, Cliff Clavin & Bróðir Svartúlfs @ Sódóma Reykjavík 16. June 2009 / Króna News

Dr. Spock, Króna, Cliff Clavin &
Músíktilraunir Winner 2009
Bróðir Svartúlfs

@ Sódóma Reykjavík
Doors Open @ 22:00
Start @ 23.00
Entrance Fee: 1.000 IKR
I've seen the band Króna on Friday 3. April @ Nokia on Ice Festival. Bit of a surprise act that night. The band Króna is releasing its first Song "Annar slagur” on 17. Júní (National Icelandic Holiday) @ Króna is rockband trio Biggi Örn Steinarsson (of Maus fame), Jón Valur Guðmundsson (Bubble Boy & Who Knew) & Hjalti Jón Sverrisson (Miri). The band is existing for a little bit more than 6 months. Songs are all in Icelandic. Króna is performing @ Lunga Festival @ Seyðisfjörður @ Kimi Records Evening on 17. July.
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