Monday, June 8, 2009

Salicylic Acid For Lip Wart

The other night I found myself talking to my friend: we never frequented a lot, but when we happen to meet somewhere we gladly recount the latest news, possibly washed down with beer.
He told me the job, the sister game to Erasmus, his girlfriend's historic the left, now nine months ago. A long pain of pregnancy, called it.
There was talk then of desires and things like that, and he said, could make a wish right now, she would repent and retrace his steps.
really want to go with her? I asked him, spilled the hot beer now. Yes, she answered him, but send them to hell, I just want to come back, you fall in love again with me as I was when I left her to make her the evil she did to me, first .
there I was: that is, if you could express any desire, also have women all over the world at your feet, or, as I know, a hundred trillion euro in the bank, or be able to fly, to be the best football player in the world, Berlusconi could kill ... Well, give up all this just to hurt her?
Yes, she said.
I do not understand, I told myself. I mean, who knows me knows that I was left not quite a nice girl that I was completely involved, destroying much of my certainties and revealing himself to be what I would have never believed it. I suffered it, but nine months after I'd given up any desire for the pure pleasure of revenge. Would not have deserved. You had also betrayed the
that, she answered him, so hasty. And it's not the same thing. I am happy with my life, and the only thing that I wish for now are a hundred million in the bank or less Berlusconi in the world, but that she suffers. To me, that would make me feel better.

If one comes to desire the evil of the person who left it, despite the love that was there before, in my opinion still loves her. A love that turns to hate is not so rare: it is human nature, is called a defense mechanism.
Indifference is the real opposite of love, not hate.
But I told him: sometimes the truth hurts, and I would not want the next time he will be given the opportunity to make a wish, I waste thinking about me.
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