Monday, February 8, 2010

2 Release Concerts of Death Metal Band Beneath on 12 & 13. February 2010

Hollow Empty Void EP
Twee Release Concerts
of this Death Metal Band
12. (Sódóma) & 13. February (TÞM, Hellinum í Tónlistarþróunarmiðstöðinni)
Supporting acts @ Sódóma are:
Forgarður Helvítis
Carpe Noctem
Supporting acts @ Hellinum are:
Deathmetal Supersquad
Gruesome Glory

Admission: 500 IKR
Start @ Sódóma: 22:00
Start @ TÞM: 23:00
Beneath - Hollow Empty Void EP for 1000 IKR
Beneath T-shirts (red or black/boy or girl) for 1500 IKR
Beneath Patch (logo) 500 IKR
Beneath - Hollow Empty Void EP + Beneath T-shirt for 2000 IKR
Beneath @ MySpace
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