Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pulse Asia and SWS are Pro-Noynoy?

I saw these information over the net, just a repost. And to public viewers and visitors of my site. Let us not pass judgment right away but it is our responsibility to do further research. Thanks! And Kudos to all the Filipinos. I trust in your judgment come this Election Day, May 2010.

Apo Kilat REPOST: RAFA COJUANGCO LOPA - 1st cousin of Noynoy, executive director of the Ninoy Aquino Foundation and was president of Pulse Asia until last year.

ANTONIO O. COJUANGCO - Noynoy's second cousin, the telecom heir who initially bankrolled Pulse Asia.
JOSE P. DE JESUS of Pulse Asia - DPWH Secretary du...ring Cory's time
The corporate records of SWS and Pulse Asia at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also show several personalities appearing as stockholders of both SWS and Pulse Asia.

Felipe Miranda, Rosalinda T. Miranda, Gemino H. Abad, Mercedes R. Abad, Jose P. de Jesus appear in SEC records as being founders and or stockholders of both SWS and Pulse Asia.

Mercedes R. Abad who is president of TRENDS-MBL is the one who used to conduct the field research for both SWS and Pulse Asia.

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