Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heima World - Icelandic band in China

Photograph by Matthias Ingimarsson
Icelandic music & China
Stuðmenn were one of the first Western bands to play on Chinese ground. The bands Hellvar & Vicky (Pollard) went to a Chinese music festival a while ago.
dedicated "Declare independence" to the people of Tibet & a lot of trouble followed for other Western artists like Bob Dylan who wanted to perform for a Chinese audience.
But there is one exception.

and Elin of the band Heima World have been living & playing in Xiamen, "The Gate To China", for the last 5 years. Opened the Heima Bistro on the island between mainland China & Taiwan (6 million inhab.).
They have toured all over China & were the first foreign band ever to release an album in Xiamen.
Also the first band to produce music videos.
Heima World
"I know you"

"Past Present"

Website of Heima World
Heima World @ MySpace
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