Friday, May 14, 2010

Sindri Eldon vs. Bubbi/Hafdís Huld in Icelandic Magazines

Sindri (red outfit) in the 90s
This review by Björk's son Sindri Eldon of Hafdis Huld 2nd Album "Synchronised Swimmers" was published in the latest Grapevine Issue:
Hafdís Huld
"Synchronised Swimmers"
Contrary to what the album cover and sleeve would have you believe, Synchronised Swimmers is as straightforward and un-quirky as they come. It is pure acoustic pop, uncomplicated and simple, with not even a semblance of divergence, although some hints at depth appear towards the end (I Almost Know A Criminal, Robot Robot). I can understand the value of upbeat music, but this album is so infuriatingly brainless it’s impossible to even attach a mood to it, other than one attained by a Brady Bunch member on Prozac. It is even useless as a remedy to holiday depression, by way of overcompensation; if depression hasn’t killed you yet, this album will make you want to kill yourself through its abject, stupefying idiocy.
Sindri Eldon

"Synchronised Swimmers" Live @ Radio Studio, October 2009. Introduction by Einar Örn Benediktsson

Icelandic Rock Star/Idols jury member Bubbi Morthens didn't like the review & wrote something nasty on his FaceBook page about Björk's son Sindri:
Hann getur ekki spilað á bassa skammlaust og í staðinn reynir hann að hefja sig upp í sól móður sinnar með drullu um fólk sem hefur hæfileika sem sannarlega hann hefur ekki sem tónlistarmaður.“ Móðir Sindra er að sjálfsögðu Björk Guðmundsdóttir.
Hafdís Huld wrote: „Takk Bubbi minn, gott að finna stuðning frá fólki sem veit um hvað það er að tala.
Bubbi: „Hann hefur reynt allt til þess að fá ljósið á sig kannski ætti hann að kúka á sviði þá fengi hann mögulega umfjöllun við hæfi.
Musicians Ragnheiður Gröndal, Jakob Frímann Magnússon & Orri Harðarson responded on Bubbi's FaceBook too.
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