Monday, May 17, 2010

SPOT Festival Showcase by Benni Hemm Hemm Friday 21. May 2010

SPOT Festival
Label Love with
Showcase by
Benni Hemm Hemm, Mat Riviere and Murder

Friday 21. May 2010
@ ArcHauz, Valdemarsgarde
Århus, Denmark

Three labels have a spring crush on each other.
English Brainlove Records, Icelandic & Danish Kimi RecordsGood Tape Records have put together a little Showcase, taking place on Friday 21. May @ Denmark's SPOT Festival 2010.

Mat Riviere (UK) Mat @ Brain Love Records
Mat Riviere is a solo performer from Norwich, England. He creates strange and memorable songs from old synthesizers, overlapping loops, clanking rhythms and cryptic lyrics sung in a distinctive, plaintive voice.

Murder (DK) Murder @ Good Tape Records
Murder consists of long-standing friends Jacob Bellens and Anders Mathiasen. Their music flits moodily between genres, currently residing somewhere amongst brooding blues and neo-folk, always shot through with melancholy and melodies of murderous intent.

Benni Hemm Hemm (IS) BHH @ Kimi Records
Benni Hemm Hemm is a band from Reykjavik, Iceland consisting of anything from 1-40 members. Benni Hemm Hemm play delightful songs about hills, snow, ships, blood and Norwegian kings written and orchestrated by Benedikt H. Hermannsson.
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