Friday, August 20, 2010

Bilderberg Films To Reveal Truth About Politics and Obama

Truth behind the deceptions; one is about the Bilderberg Group’s monopoly on world politics, economics, and culture; the other is about the supposedly “true” background of President Barack Obama will be revealed in the recently released two films about the Bilderberg group.

Endgame, which is the first film's title made by Alex Jones, Jones exposes the 2006 Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa, Canada to the public; notable for the fact of the ordinarily low-profile of these meetings.  In the second film, called The Obama Deception, Jones tries to disregard the image of President Obama as a homegrown man of the people and leads us to another perception of him as a puppet for the Bilderbergs who was chosen for office by Bilderberg luminaries.

So what do you think? Are we, again, be victims of another mass of amateur conspiracy videos found on YouTube, or is Alex Jones really on to something that reveals what the world we live in is really like?  According to, it’s the latter that’s the case, and that these two films have blown the Bilderberg conspiracy wide open.  However, the only way you can know for yourself, is by watching the videos; both of which can be found in full at
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