The Dr. Laura Schlessinger controversy has gone completely insane causing a lot of traffic to bloggers and site owners the past few days. The N-word controversy has gone completely viral.
Radio Host Dr. Laura Schlessinger announced she will quit her radio show at the end of the year after controversy over her repeated use of the N-word on air.
We've seen or apparently heard Dr. Laura Schlessinger used the N word 11 times during an on air call to a female caller last Tuesday.
Dr. Laura was talking to Jade, an African-American caller, looking for some advise and sympathy for the way she is treated by her Caucasian husband’s family and friends. She said that make racist comments about her in her presence. Jade then asked if the N-word was offensive, and Dr. Laura said “Black guys say it all the time,” and repeated it during their conversation 11 times.
Schlessinger has since issued an apology. The talk show host said:
I articulated the N-word all the way out–more than one time. And that was wrong. I’ll say it again–that was wrong…I ended up, I’m sure, with many of you losing the point I was trying to make, because you were shocked by the fact that I said the word…I, myself, realized I had made a horrible mistake, and was so upset that I could not finish the show. I pulled myself off the air at the end of the hour. I had to finish the hour, because 20 minutes of dead air doesn’t work. I am very sorry. And it won’t happen again.”
Saying a word 11 times and calling it a mistake? That's hilarious. And everyone knows that it is an offensive, hateful word that is not acceptable to use under any circumstances.